Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 146: Haterz Are My Motivatorz

     Crop top, navy blue cami, jeans, TOMS.
     Not everyone in life is going to support your lifestyle.  No matter what it is.  Now stop.
     Look at yourself in the mirror and see what you see in yourself.  The motivation that gets you through the day is inside of you.  A person that has provided the world with a special slice of YOU.
     So if you think you cant do it, please just shut up.  Try.  If you say you cant do it then trust me, you've already failed.  And you can do it.  I promise.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 145: Too Much

     Giants shirt, jeans, Vans.
     I have too much to do.  I just take on too many responsibilities because I cant say no to anyone.  I'm just trying to help them out!
     I end up with too much on my plate and not enough time to finish everything I've promised to do.  So I end up working myself to death and feeling miserably tired once I get everything done.
     I forget to take a step back and reward myself every once in a while.  Like on Friday, I had a meet and was invited to a Giants game.  So I went to the game, relaxed, and had a blast with my friends.  Now I have to face another week... It was a nice little break...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 144: Loss of Spirit

     Grey dress
     Today was supposed to be "Jimmy Neutron" day which would give the student body the task of dressing like nerds.  This spirit day had been very popular among Monte Vista students for a while.  It means that we can all look like idiots (or sluts, in the case that you are a certain type of freshman girl) and not get ridiculed at all just because it is so much fun to wear big glasses, running shoes with jeans, and drag a rollie backpack around school.
     BUT, the administration decided to alter Jimmy Neutron day into "superhero day" because they didn't want to hurt the feelings of those who actually dress like nerds.  Umm, I'm sorry... What?
     Now id I had time and energy, I would fight this and march into offices with strongly worded letters and petitions, but you have to pick your battles.
     So, I had more of a personal strike.  I just didn't dress up for a spirit day.  A lot of people ended up dressing up like nerds anyways, and I respect that.  Once they start to cancel days like hippie day because it could "potentially be a drug reference", then Ill step in and yell about how utterly ridiculous it is to earase history.  Until then, Ill silently continue to think wearing jeans with running shoes is comfortable, though never something you should EVER wear as a fashion statement.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 143: Tragedy

     Rugrats day, overalls.
     I feel much better, thank you for asking.
     Today I watched The Pianist, which is a movie about a victim of the Holocaust.  I couldnt even believe that something that brutal could happen in real life.  Not even 100 years ago these events were occuring.  I was sitting there watching the film thinking this had to be a morid distopia made up in some morbid head.  It was too gruesome.  It happened though.
     In the same day, my father has me watching Saving Private Ryan.  Say a prayer tonight.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 141: Words

     Bro tank, running shorts, Vans, high socks, hat, lei.
     The spirit week this week is "Slime Time" where they bring all of the old fashioned Nickelodeon shows back to life.  Today was Rocket Power (skater/beach).
     Im reporting my dad for bullying.  Today he called me a fat lesbian.  Well, he technically did.
     Heres what happened:  I came home from a two hour swim practice and was telling my dad how I wasnt going to morning practice.  I may or may not have been simultaneously shoving cookies in my face.  He said that Im going to get huge if I keep doing that and not go to practice.
     Next, I got oout of the shower and put on sweats and a grandpa sweater and walked outside to where my dad was playing catch with my brother and told him that I wanted to go to the store with him.  He took a look at what I was wearing and said that he guessed he was taking his oldest son.
     I heard fat lesbian.
     While that my be me putting words in his mouth, I think its all about perspective.  Okay, I'm wrong, he didn't call me a fat lesbian, but I accused him of it, so SHHH, don't tell him I admitted defeat.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 140: The Reason Why

     Red sweater, black jacket, jeans, Vans.
     Why am I wearing a sweater and jeans when California got a tremendous heat wave? Couldn't tell you.
     The reason why I am so superstitious is because bad luck is entirely too real.  Is forgetting to knock on wood, throw the salt over your shoulder, or spin three times when you see a broken mirror or black cat really worth bad luck?  I think not.
     Saturday started like any other day.  I was with my sister and the conversation came up about how yes, I am on my third phone because two got stolen and one was a replacement, and I was saying how crazy it is that with all my bad phone luck how I haven't cracked the screen yet.
     Do you see where this is headed?
     Long story short, I left the phone on the car bumper and it kind of flew off in the middle of an intersection, was left there for a half an hour, and may or may have not gotten run over by 35 cars.  All because I didn't knock on wood.  Coincidence?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 139: Holiday

Jeans, yellow shirt, Vans.
Tomorrow is... A special holiday that isnt celebrated by all. For those of you who are celebrating, be careful. In all seriousness, please just be safe.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 138: Money

Jeans, purple shirt, sandals.
"Money doesnt buy you happiness".
Thats crap.
Money DOES indeed buy you happiness. Im not saying that excessivly wealthy people arent miserable, but when it comes to the upper middle class, money seals the deal. Our peers except something from us here: Relevance. If you stay relevant with your environment then you wont be ridiculed. Otherwise, youre screwed. Money doesnt just fall in your lap, and unfortunatly for me, Im too lazy to work for it most of the time. Which is a bummer, because the defenition of money is payment that results as a reward for human labor.
Ill just be broke and an outcast. Ill live! Its amussing how we have caste systems so openly in the upper middle class, like our own subsections. We need to get over ourselves.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 137: Vacations

     Flowy top, floral skirt, TOMS, sweater.
     Coming back after vacation is a big bummer.  Theres pretty much no happiness in the world when reality strikes.  For example, I know a girl who spent all of her spring break in sunny Hawaii and had the absolute time of her life.  She came back last night and woke up at 5:45am this morning to go to morning practice.  Thats awful, theres pretty much no reason to finishedoff the year, I would have no motivation.  Maybe we should just all not work and let the government run the country for us.  Oh wait, that sounds familiar, and look where we are now...
     Sorry, touchy.
     That is why Im glad I did nothing this break, I came back a little bit refreshed and I didnt have to wish I were where I was yesterday.  No goals, no disappointment.
     What is wrong with me?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 136: TGIM ?

     Leopard print tank top, grey cardigan, jeans, TOMS.
     Thank God Its Monday.  Oh wait, just kidding.  I can officially say Monday is by far the worst day of the week.  I feel like crap, thank you for asking.  Today was the first day back from spring break 2012.  I had a blast doing nothing for my week off.  It was a good time.  Now I have school, and its that phase in school when teachers are really pumped about being back from break and starting to learn again, but you know that in a week or two it'll be back to their lazy ways and movie days.
      I feel bad for teachers, they have to deal with not only their cruddy Monday, but 180 student Mondays on top of that.  That's, like, 180 headaches to deal with in one day.  I'm not even a teacher and I get that many student headaches!  I'm so irrelevant to the student body... I need friends.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 135: It Begins

Italia sweatshirt, runnin shorts, tshirt, hat, sandals with socks.
Tourist day, if you were curious.
Tomorrow is the end of spring break. Which means Im too depressed for creative expression.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 134: Almost Friday...

Nike dri-fits, crew neck.
My poor baby Augie, my little poodle, hurt his leg this morning before morning practice. I was so mortified by this experience that I was late for practice! I was driving in the dark at 5:30am and suddenly realized I didnt pack any clothes for school. Good. So, I managed with what I had and ended up looking like I had just ce back fr a hard workout, hoch I guess technically was true. Everybody wins. Except my dog...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 133: Real Life

Black high waisted skirt, sparkly shirt, sandals.
For 133 days Ive been talking about myself or thing about myself that describe me or my lifestyle or my intrests, or whatever. The odd thing, though, is that I dont think anybody would be able to read in between the lines or what or who Im talking about in my posts. Just like there is an alterior motive to the actions you do, there is always someone I want to read a specific post, even if I know he or she wont read it. Think about that...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 132: Touchy

     Maxi skirt, pink shirt, purple tank top.
     I hate when people touch me.  I didnt used to be so hypersensitive about people touching me but now I am.  Its weird.  Dont hug me or poke me or pet me.  I dont like it.  Only my best friends can do that, and my future boyfriend who does not yet exist.  Thank you for your courtesy.

Day 131: Mistakes

Bicycle hipster shirt, pants.
Sometimes there are thing that we do in life that we regret. They dont even have to be big things, just things we look back on and wish happened differently. I sometimes wish I could go back. I had the perfect oppurtunity sitting right in front of me I was just too scared to take it. He had a little crush on me, and I had a crush on him. He pursuded it and I denied him. Looking back I was actually really mean to him. Now I wish I could take it back because other girls want him but I promise you that I would treat him better. Too late I suppose.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 130: IM SORRY.

Red dress, TOMS, grey sweater.
If I dont have longer posts or all my pictures up by Friday, you may slap me in the face.