Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 71: My Easy Bake Oven

     "Comfy or flirty
Sweeping you off of your feet
      any sock's best friend"
-Julia Carter
     Creme sweater, red tights, denim shorts, mini boots.
     Yes, yes; I wore jean shorts over my tights today.  I try to set trends, and if it doesnt work then fine.  Red is in this season, however, and this was just the perfect shade of red to start the week.
     I would like to adress two things.  First off, when I say "nude cami" in my outfit descriptions, it means the color is nude, Im not actually naked.  Hopefully that spares future confusion.  Also, it has been pointed out to me that my grammer is terrible.  Im sorry, that wont change, youre going to have to suffer.  Well Im glad I got that taken of.
     This is the last week before Christmas break.  Which mean this is my last week of posting until Christmas break.  Enjoy.
     When I was a little girl, I wrote to Santa wishing for an Easy Bake Oven.  All I wanted to see on Christmas morning was that Easy Bake Oven waiting for me next to my stocking.  I asked ONLY for that oven, so that I would have the highest possible chance of getting it.  For those of you who dont know what an Easy Bake Oven is, it is a plastic miniature oven that bakes small sugary creations.  The treats are awful, but you have so much fun making them the taste doesnt even phase you.
     Seeing that Easy Bake Oven gracefully sitting upon the invisible pedestal I created for it on Christmas morning made me so overjoyed I could barely stand it.
     I played with it twice, maybe three times.
     My entire holiday revolved around that toy.  I cant remember any other aspects of that month besides wanting it so badly.
     I, like so many of us young and old, got caught up in the baccanalia of the holiday avertisment frenzy.  Now that Im older and have developed my maturity, sort of, the thing I enjoy most over the holidays is the tradition.  Yes, for me part of the tradition is wanting something so badly that it becomes my Easy Bake Oven, but I also enjoy the other things the season has to offer.  I have the advent calender I change every morning, stringing lights on the tree with Gary, spending hours with Susan trying to mail our holiday cards, and my brother and sister sleeping in my room Christmas Eve anticipating the following morning.
     It doesnt matter what the tradition is, but hold onto it.  Whether its lighting the manora or even the classic Christmas family fights, they all mean something special.  Remember it, and love it.  Love it like I loved my Easy Bake Oven.
     Special thanks to Jason Vawter, Ashley Snarr, and Andie Furber; I love this picture.

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