"Invisible Children" T-shirt, jeans, TOMS, circle scarf, heart sweater.
As the very classy men from the popular television show the Jersey Shore would say: ITS T-SHIRT TIME!
This week is finals week, which means I'm not going to be super willing to get up out of bed and go on with living life, since my life has been nothing but studying, so I'm dubbing this weeks theme T-SHIRTS. Not to mention its pajama week at school so its a double win.
T-shirts can make a huge fashion statement. There are millions of t-shirts, and they all have a certain statement. Though they are simple and underestimated, you can style them to make them trendy and original turning a dull t-shirt into a high-fashion outfit. Match one with a sleek shirt or a scarf and a cute pair of boots. Your old camp t-shirt will be a bold outfit in no time!
Finals are important and so is school and I am going to work as hard as possible to get good grades. But what happens after high school? Even after college? We go into the real world. We exercise our rights. Our rights are something that we are born with, and they are slowly being taken away by the government, the people that we voted in to PROTECT our rights. Do me a favor, fight for your rights. Congress is currently trying to pass two bills that will censor the Internet and put regulations on American businesses that will limit what we are allowed to do on our own. If you are passionate about preserving your rights, sign Google's petition to let Congressmen know what you think of these bills: https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/ . Start small, it will end up making a big difference.
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