Well, this is it.
Im sitting at this familiar keyboard, staring at my title.
"The End".
Its Over. This is the end of it. I finished. I really finished. Not the way i had dreamt of, but who cares? I did it. I did the whole thing.
There are 180 school days in each school year. There are 180 days in this blog.
I am currently watching the end of the movie Julie&Julia, as we speak. It just happened to be on television tonight. She just completed her blog. Kind of a crazy coincidence, isnt it? There is a God.
Im crying.
There are tears streaming down my face. Im not even quite sure why. Its the end of something, but the beginning of it all.
Thank you. You looked at the outfits, my commentary, my passions, my pressures. You looked at it all.
Thank you for being a viewer.
Thank you for making me finish.
Thank you.
Im not sure whats next for me. But as for maddy180days.blogspot.com, Im officially signing off. Thank you.
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