Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 47: Loud.

      Red "Lego" costume.
      One day, Im going to get myself in trouble with the things that come out of my mouth.  I just say things that arent nessacary to say.
      Im politically incorrect, a habit that Im not proud of.  I cant stop the words from streaming out of my mouth.
      I blame Gary.
      As much as it is bad, there is a positive side to it.
      Im not afraid to stand up for what I think is right.  Even if it gets me into trouble, my loud mouth just blurts out what it needs to.  Im a passionate person and if someone tries to surpress that, Im going to take a stand against it.  I dont like to hear what I dont want to hear, and when I speak up, I speak in defense.
      Some mistake my defensive personality for weakness.  I really just like to defend my opinion.  Its not that I think your opninon is wrong, Im just positive that mine is right.  Does that make sense?
      I need to be more careful with my words...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 46: What Reminds Me of Childhood

     Red sweater, cheetah print skirt, oxfords, black thin belt, chained necklace.
     Today, I wore a trend that I never realized could be so great.  See that skirt?  Recognize it?  I wore it last week.  The only difference is... last week, it was a DRESS!  I just slipped the sweater right over it and its a whole new article of clothing!  It has opened many doors for the coming outfits.
     I did something super embarrassing today.  Its one of those things that you're embarrassed to even think about yourself doing.  So of course I'm going to put this embarrassing moment on this blog for the whole world to see if they so please.
     Today, I logged onto Club Penguin.
     Yes, I logged on.  I very much played on it, too.  For an hour, maybe more... I kind of lost track of time.
     I enjoyed my time.  I did the penguin missions and did some ski races.  I had fun.  I'm willing to admit that I had a good time on that childish website, and I intend to log in again at some point in the future.
     We all do little embarrassing things that make us think of when we were a kid.  Besides my penguin adventures, I cuddle with my childhood toy called "floppy-fellow", and I play with Blues Clues CD-ROMS.
     Okay, maybe my little quirks are a bit unusual, but they bring me back to a simpler time.  A time that makes me think of light and joy and being united with everyone around me.
     Growing up made all of that go away.  There is no more innocence in the world I experience.  People grow apart in my world, no matter how much I want them to stick together.  Light grew darker as I aged.  I'm only 16 by the way.  So living in the world of childish toys makes me feel like a person that isn't just partially happy with a chance of reality... It makes me feel young and completely oblivious and carefree to the things around me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 45: Men Becoming Wolves

"Always wear cute shoes; the squirrels and bugs deserve to look at something nice, too."

     Squared Urban Outfitters shirt,  patterned shirt, belt, nude sandals.
     We are officially a fourth of the way through the school year!  A quarter!  25%!  1/4!  This year has gone by so incredibly fast so far!  Ive soaked up every minute of it.
     Halloween is coming up.  You know what that means: Children everywhere dressing up like scary monsters and sexy dolls going to strangers houses who give out free candy.  It should be so illegal.  Even though it is SO marvelous.
     Dressing up is difficult for me.  There are always so many options.  Thankfully I have friends that like to stick together and do group projects, so I let them decide what its going to be.  Otherwise, I just set the bar too high then end up having a unrealistic idea that doesn't work out, and I'm let down.  Its the price you pay for having an imagination.  Halloween isn't even what I'm thinking about though, even though I'm supposed to dress up at school on Friday...
     With a new quarter comes new goals.  This is going to sound so typical annoying girl-talk, but my number one goal is to get my parents to let me go to the midnight premiere of THE TWLIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART ONE.
     I'm the biggest Twilight saga fan possibly ever.  If I met Stephenie Meyer, I would probably faint.  I'm a huge fan.  Huge.  I cant emphasize that enough.
     I wasn't allowed to see the midnight premiere of the first two movies, but I got lucky to see the third one because it was in the summer, but even convincing Susan and Gary to let me go was difficult nonetheless.
     So going to a Thursday night showing at midnight will be a battlefield of convincing.
     Ill be persistent though.  And they know how big of a fan I am.  Whatever it takes.  Who's with me?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 44: Image vs. Issue

     Beige patterned shirt, black shorts, TOMS, headband.
     There is one conversation that comes up AT LEAST once a day for each girl group at Monte Vista. Where there are girls, this topic WILL be discussed.
     Weight is something that girls worry about over a lot of things, simply because its what everyone around us is concerned with.  They either talk about losing weight, gaining weight, diets to lose an excessive amount of weight, complaining about how they've gained too much weight, etc.  All they are doing is subconsciously fishing for compliments.  It isn't their fault.
      BUT, the funny thing is, most of the girls that talk about this popular issue are the ones who have the bodies that girls with actual fat on themselves wish that they could have. Girls that literally have no body weight on them are grabbing their stomachs comparing how much flab they have to each other. 
      Newsflash: That isn't flab, that's skin. Its what keeps your organs from falling out of your insides.
      I love my body.  Ill be the first to admit that sure, I could lose a couple pounds, and sure, I cant wear tube tops, and sure, I failed the Body Mass Index test while my best friends were in the "at risk of being UNDERweight" category... But that's okay.  I don't really care. I'm being serious, too.  Take it or leave it.
      BUT, I do get hurt feelings when this topic of weight comes up, because for me and many other girls, its an issue of HEALTH, not just IMAGE.  I know that I cant be the only one who is really uncomfortable when this is brought up.  I sit and listen to the conversation, but I don't participate, because I'm not about to complain about my body in front of a crowd.
      I used to get hurt feelings and silently compare myself to the slim girls, but it just made me feel worse.  So I stopped.
      Body image is A LOT in high school, and it stems from a deep place of self-consciencness.  If you're guilty of this topic, look in the mirror and just see how beautiful you are. You don't need the consent of others to feel good about yourself.  So stop talking about it, you'll feel so much better that the issue of your weight is something that is within yourself, not everyone around you.  Feel better about your body by just accepting the way you look, because that's the way you were supposed to be made.
      As Susan always says, "We all come in different shapes and sizes.  Free to be you and me."

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 43: Technology

     Blue and white patterned dress, nude sandals.
     I'm pretty convinced that all technology has come together and made it their mission to hate me.
     My father is somewhat of a hipster.  He tries to do things that aren't the normal things to do.  In Danville, CA, having a Mac or a MacBook is typical.  So just to be different, Gary buys PC's.  When I say "buys", that infers frequent purchases.  You want to know why so many investments?  Because Windows 7 is a disaster, along with the PC's that they run.
     My laptop PC stopped working the other day.  It just stopped.  Umm, why?  I cant figure it out.  Guess I don't have a computer anymore.  In fact, "we have five computers in our house, and only two are reliable", according to Gary.
     Susan has a Mac desktop.  My father bought it for her because she is even more technology challenged than me, and deep down... Gary knows that the Mac was the better purchase in the end.  We aren't allowed to use the Mac though, only my mother.  So now the other four members of the Galindo household are down to one computer.  The very one I'm typing on.  The other three are lining up waiting their turn.
     Computers aren't the only thing that I have trouble with.  Ive had two iPhones stolen from me.  I know they didn't just stand up and walk away, but after losing two of them, it begins to seem like a valid possibility. 
     I'm on my third iPhone and after updating it with the iOS 5 Apple update, I lost half my contacts, photos, and messages.  I'm not going to sit around and cry about it, but I'm obviously frustrated!
     Apple didn't do the best job with the iCloud though.  That one isn't my fault.
     Before the iCloud, I had 66 contacts in my phone.  Most of the people in that list I didn't even want to be in there.  After the iCloud:  I had... wait for it... one thousand four hundred and sixteen contacts (1,416).  Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't even want the people on my old contact list and now I have more people then Ive ever met in my life?!  Unacceptable.
     I really have to stay away from all screens, maybe read a book or something.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 42: Weekend Brain-Block

     Grey True Religion corduroys, denim tank top, glittery sweater, TOMS.
     I really have to start doing my Friday posts on Friday... not Sunday.
     I love the weekend.  The world is physically a lighter place.  I love the weekend so much I should write a song about it.  I truly love it.
     I "love" a lot of things though.  Like writing.  I hate writers block though, like right now for example...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 41: A Lack of Inspriation

     Cheetah print dress, black Vans, blue clips, flower chain necklace, sea foam green sweater.
     Lets just take a second to acknowledge the fact that I'm wearing lime green socks.  Okay, moving on.\
     Today was not a very inspiring day therefore I wont bore you with useless writing.
     On a final note, tomorrows football game should be thurnumbusly enthusiastic!  Go Mustangs!
     Oh, and I love Taylor Donatell.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 40: Walking Art

     Black frilly blouse, jean shorts, gold necklace, ribbon hairband, TOMS.
     When you watch a television show, you subconsciously begin to place yourself into said show as a certain character.  For example, I always thought of myself as the Hyde of That 70's Show, the Phoebe of Friends, the Phyllis of The Office, and the Patrick of Spongebob Squarepants.
     In my wildest dreams, I hope to create a television show based off of Monte Vista High School, giving a couple characters the general personalities of the different people at Monte Vista.  It would be based off of events that actually go on around the school.
     Or at least the way I see them...
     I don't bend the truth, or lie for that matter.  But I apparently have what is considered an "intense personality type", and I take normal situations and they transfer into big deal through my vantage point.  So what may seem like a small deal to you may seem like the end of the world to me.  I thought it was just called "being dramatic"... I guess I was wrong.  Thank goodness.
     My intensity allows me to be creative, so that's a plus.  It's what allows me to write this blog, paint, and come up with outfits that seem to work out for me everyday. 
     I actually consider outfits walking art.  Bet you didn't know that fun fact about me! 
     Art is supposed to make you think and give you an emotion... So maybe its just me, but fashion does that.  Art doesn't necessarily need to be beautiful, it can be disturbing.  Ive definitely been disturbed by some outfits (cough*goths*cough) in the past couple days... This art is too harsh on my eyes... Tone it down with the black ladies and gentlemen, I guarantee you that you're beautiful underneath that dark eyeliner.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 38: The Time of Our Lives

"School without fashion is a short stack without syrup"
     Blue baby doll dress, black flower hair clip, purple TOMS.
     There is a new addition to my blog that I hope you will enjoy.  Its called Quotes-By-Julia.  My dear friend Julia Carter says these phrases that can simply define your day.  So, I will begin posting quotes (look up) every couple days in the beginning of posts, at least the ones that stick out to me.
      Its 2011, the first year of a new decade, which means in a jillion years from now (when I'm all old and a mom), Ill be looking back to 2011 thinking about how these were the glory days.  Glory days?  Something like that.
      Knowing that Ill be looking back one day motivates me to make memories TODAY.  It makes me want to go out and have a good time with my life, which I intend to do.  Right after my math test... and the SAT... and babysitting... and my other math test... but after I do all that, THEN I intend to make memories!  Join me?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 38: Email Me, That's an Order

     American Eagle sweater, jeans, sandals, Urban Outfitters headband.
     So, its day 38.  That's a pretty long time, believe it or not.  I didn't even think this blog would make it past day 4.  As you can see, I have a lot of confidence in my abilities.  But seriously, I'm amazed.  I would actually love to hear what you guys (whoever you are) have to say about this blog.  I mean, its turned into more of just me ranting then it is about fashion... So let me know what you think, what you want me to say or not say, etc.
     Email me:
     Follow me on Twitter: @maddy180days and/or @maddy_galindo
     Look my page up on Facebook and press LIKE! (Maddy 180 Days)
     Now that Ive done all the awkward advertisement I needed to get out of the way:
     Today is Monday which means new week which means NEW THEME!  Monday is always a rough day, but today I had even more of a woe-is-me attitude going on.  I just felt sorry for myself the entire day.  Basking in a puddle of your self-pity is pretty time consuming too, so I came home to more work then I expected.  So I sucked it all up and slapped a smile on my face and got through the day.
     I congratulated myself with a cookie.
     ... I lied.  I had a Twinkie, too.  Those Twinkies are going to be the death of me...
     My imaginary boyfriend loves that I eat whatever I want, though.  He thinks its good that I don't watch my weight and care about what people think of me!  Has my life really come to this?  An imaginary boyfriend?  Tomorrow is Tuesday, you should pray for my sanity and hope that Ill be cured of all this nonsense.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 37: College

     Yellow blouse, grey cotton shag vest, denim capris, Vans.
     Every once in a while, everyone deserves to be lazy.  Friday is normally my lazy day.  I was told that my outfit is the most "normal" outfit that Ive worn all year.  I would have to agree, I have some pretty unoridinary outfits.
     This weekend, I took the PracticeSAT (PSAT).  The four hour test that offically begins the torture section of junior year.  Last year, I was ahead of the game and took the PSAT as a sophomore.  When I received my score, I was decently surprised: I was in the 33rd percentile.  I'm pretty sure that's like a 950 out of 2400.  Ivy league here I come!
     I'm sure I did much better this year, but thankfully it doesn't count for anything.
     Thinking about college scares me.  Every second I get closer and closer to having to sit down and deal with college.  I want to go to Chico State.  Susan and Gary went there, and they're pretty solid individuals.  That isn't why I want to go there though, I don't know, it just appeals to me.
     One thing is for sure though: I'm going to college.  I don't care what it takes, but I have to leave Danville, California for a while.
     I'm not one of those teenagers who hates where they live and always complains about how there is nothing to do here.  I LOVE IT HERE, don't get me wrong.  I need to live a little, though.  I need to experience life.
     For right now, however, I'm comfortable with hanging out in Danville and watching the Disney channel.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 36: Ingorance

      Floral skirt, nude crop top, oxfords, flower headbang, Juicy Couture necklace.
     Ten minutes ago I was layng in bed half asleep.  I began to do what I do every night before I go to sleep and dream peacefully, (PS: Thats a lie, I never dream peacefully thanks to sleep insmonia and sleep apnia), I was thinking of tomrrows outfit.
     Then I sprang up and ran to my laptop because I realized I had forgotten to blog!  Im sorry, what?  How did I forget that?  I swear Im going certifiably insane.
     Im a very loving person.  Im compassionate and have feelings and empathy.
     But sometimes...
     ...Sometimes people are just so completely IGNORANT that all of my love fleas from me and I get bitter and defensive.  I get really worked up when trying to get my point across.  Anyone who has witnessed me in action knows that I can lose friends with the words that I choose to use.
     In my eyes, I dont see how anyone else can see their ignorant way and think that theyre correct.  This is absolutely a problem for me that Im trying to work out with myself, be patient with the fact that I think I know whats best because I know that I dont.
     I feel that this is the case for me because I see the world very differently.  I suppose everyone sees the world differently, sure, but Im convienced the blue sky in your world is orange in mine.  I just dont veiw things normally.  That doesnt mean Im not normal, though.  Part of the reason I have this blog is to show my scewed thoughts, and show just how normal yet unique I am.
     So Im going to go to bed now, because like a NORMAL teenager, Im tired.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 35: Jobs and Life, but Mostly Jobs

      Urban Outfitters dress, purple shrug hat, TOMS, grey sweater.
      I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life.  A lot of people don't, and I'm not expected to, thank goodness.  Susan doesn't even know what she wants to do for the rest of her life and shes a mom!  I'm constantly thinking about it though, like any normal teenager would:
      Ever since I was a little girl Ive wanted to be an actress.  That hasn't changed.  I actually really feel that my dream of pursuing acting isn't impractical, but none the less, I'm looking for other options.
      I would have to do something that I love.  I love to talk...  That could possibly be useful.  I like clothes and shopping.  Though that's typical for a girl...  I don't really like kids, but Ill probably be a mom. 
      ...Oh yeah, I could always be a mom...
      Marriage and having kids doesn't appeal to me all that much.  Most girls my age have their entire future with their husbands planned out.  Kids name, wallpaper, shower tile colors, etc.  Every detail. 
      I don't even know if I want to get married.  I'm sure I will, but I'm 16.  I need to be focusing on passing Anatomy and Algebra 2 rather then planning on what my something-borrowed and something-blue will be.  I'm just being practical.  I think its my lack of imagination...
      I got a job though.  A summer job.  Yup, next summer... Its not even winter yet, I know.  Its a job as a swim coach.  Not a career path, but maybe Ill find my calling of life in the pool.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 34: Promises and Patience

      Brown shrug sweater, black tube top, head wrap, bell bottom high-waisted jeans, TOMS.
      Im not doing a theme this week,.  My consultant, Lexi, suggested I do boho or 70's.  But to be honest, I cant handle that much retro.  I dont even consider myself a hipster.
      Waiting is something that doesnt come naturally to me.  Gary Galindo always says: "Patience is a virtue."  Its a virtue that I dont have.
      Waiting for people to catch up with you is the worst.  People really need to get on my level.  Step it up.
      Waiting for someone to follow through is painful.  Waiting for a promise that was made to be kept.  And when that promise is broken, it crushes you.  It simply breaks your heart. 
      Thats why I never make a promise I cant keep.  I want to be trusted.  The perfect way to get me never to trust you again is to break a promise.  Thats a warning.
      On a lighter note, I found $20 in my pants today!  Oh the joy!
      I think that being sick is making me all emotional and cranky and thats why these posts are so deep.  These viruses have really gotten to my head...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 33: Sick Day

     Purple blouse, knitted vest, tribal print maxi skirt.
     NEVER has a day been so weary.
     Today was awful.  I woke up and could barely move.  I tried to get up and make an effort, but I simply couldn't bring myself to do it.  The makeup I was wearing today was the makeup I wore on homecoming night.  Yup, I didn't take it off, it was from Saturday.  My hair wasn't even touched.  I walked out the door this morning without even looking in the mirror.
     School is THE WORST PLACE to be in the entire world when you're sick.  I have a terrible cold and had a fever for most of the day.  Why am I walking around Monte Vista with a fever?  I couldn't tell you.  I'm so dumb, it was NOT the right choice for me to get up and go to school.  But it was too late.  I went to school and stuck it out.
     I didn't wear a jacket all day, I was just really hot.  Luckily, it was about 50degrees outside today so it balanced out.
     You know you're sick when someone comments on how horrible you look in each of your classes.  As I walked into Algebra, the boy in front of me looked up: "OHMYGOSH, Maddy you look terrible.  You really ought to go home...".  Okay thanks for telling me how bad I look, and no I'm not going home, I can stick it out.
     I was so wrong.
     The boy in math was just the first one of many comments.  I really need to learn how to be a better listener.
     When I got home, I crashed on the couch for a couple hours and talked to my grandparents who came by.  And now: procrastination.  I cant stand being sick.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 32:

     Yoga pants, class shirt.
     On the Friday of homecoming week, you have to wear your class color.  Juniors are white.  So I suppose my labor day challenge is over...  That makes me upset.  I cant write when I'm upset.  Goodbye.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 31: Outstanding

      Today's themes:  Freshman=Haight and Ashburry Street, Sophomores=Ocean Ave., JUNIORS=NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, Seniors=Diagon Alley.
      We has to dress up today as our worst nightmare.  Dentist.  What else? 
      Dentists are the WORST.  You pay someone to pretty much assault your mouth, then they insult the way you're taking care of your teeth.  Then they put gross goop in you gums and tell you that you're not allowed to eat or drink for an hour.  Hop off dentist.  You aren't even a real doctor.  Stop.
      I love rallies.  I'm IN the rally.  I love pep, I thrive off of it.
      Some people just don't have spirit.  School spirit or just the concept of spirit.  Some people are just walking bummers.  I feel obligated to tell those people that I'm also in a bummer mood when they tell me how down they are, even if I'm having a solid day.  I mean, I don't want to be like "Oh yeah, I'm having a great day, the sun is shining in my world, but I'm totally sorry that nothings going right for you today."  That's a little rude, right? 
      I try not to tell people if I'm sad for this reason: I don't want to be lied to.  I do as Gary Galindo does:  When people ask him how he is doing today he responds "OUTSTANDING", as if the crazy antics of life weren't surrounding him.
      Tell someone tomorrow that you're "OUTSTANDING", trust me, it'll catch them off guard.  Maybe even make them smile.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 30: Just Hungry

      "Aqua Man" cape, a wetsuit, sparkly tights,  Vans, Nor Cal hat, goggles, flippers.
      Yup.  That description is true.
      Lets just get something straight:  I HAVE NO SHAME. 
      Today was "hero" day.  I saw a lot of underpants today.  It was a good day.
      I saw lots of firefighters and cops too.  Heros are everywhere.  Like our parents.  They come to the rescue all the time.  Plus they provide for us and that's a pretty sweet deal. 
      I'm hungry.  Anyone hungry?  I find myself hungry every part of the day.  Except for in the morning when you're supposed to eat breakfast, I never eat breakfast.  Ive been told its bad for me not to eat breakfast, but I don't think its going to kill me.  Ill just stick with my coffee.  Lunch, dinner, dessert, and every snack in between seem to be in rotation though.  I love food.  If its put in front of me, I intend on eating it... So deal with it.  I'm ranting.  I'm going to go eat food now.  I advise you to join me!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 29: Thank You, Educators

      Leopard footie-PJ's, brown Uggs, sleeping eye mask.
      Today was pajama day.  A perfect excuse for the entire school to look like fat hobos and be lazy.  The good thing about school theme days is that everyone dresses up together.  So we simultaneously look like fools.  Spirited fools.
      Homecoming week is when every teacher and student makes a silent mutual agreement to just not do much.  The teachers understand that we  have other stuff going on.
      We cant double task.  We aren't that smart.
      Some teachers just don't get it, though.  I have no idea what happened to these few selective teachers as children, but clearly they were the spiritless-outcasts that all of us highschoolers still frown upon to this day.  To those people that exist these days:  Live a little.  Have some spirit.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 28: Neon

      White overalls splatter painted neon colors, neon sports bra, green neon v-neck, neon bandanna headband.
      HOMECOMING WEEK HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN.  So that means I wont be having a theme this week, because my themes are already chosen for me.  Sorry to disappoint, I know you all rely on my creativity.
      Who loves spirit?  I do.  I think its incredible.
      Today was neon day.  Obviously.  The entire school was full of color.
      Today, also, is a milestone.  Its day 28 in my blog.  WOW, 28 days.  That's like a full moon cycle.  That's the entire month of February.  Ladies... You know the other time significance it has...
      Tomorrow is PJ day.  Excited?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 27: The Important Things

     Black and white flowered  shirt, black tube skirt, black belt, TOMS.
     I am so busy.  Everyone is.
     I wore my hair up with a white headband on Friday because I didn't have time to take a shower the night before.  Total TMI, I know, but there is a moral to the story.  The moral is:  Make time for the things that are important to you.
     There are a list of things I try to accomplish each day that I don't let homework and the business of my life get in the way of:
     1. Parents: Maintaining a good relationship with parents is an essential part of growing up that will carry on for the rest of your life.  I set aside time to talk to Susan and Gary everyday.  Plus I like them.
     2. Food: I love snacks.  I need them to go on with my day.
     3. Showers:  I think that one is pretty self-explanatory. 
     These few things is what brings me through my day.  Pretty boring life isn't it?
     My theme was floral by the way.  Original, right?