Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 40: Walking Art

     Black frilly blouse, jean shorts, gold necklace, ribbon hairband, TOMS.
     When you watch a television show, you subconsciously begin to place yourself into said show as a certain character.  For example, I always thought of myself as the Hyde of That 70's Show, the Phoebe of Friends, the Phyllis of The Office, and the Patrick of Spongebob Squarepants.
     In my wildest dreams, I hope to create a television show based off of Monte Vista High School, giving a couple characters the general personalities of the different people at Monte Vista.  It would be based off of events that actually go on around the school.
     Or at least the way I see them...
     I don't bend the truth, or lie for that matter.  But I apparently have what is considered an "intense personality type", and I take normal situations and they transfer into big deal through my vantage point.  So what may seem like a small deal to you may seem like the end of the world to me.  I thought it was just called "being dramatic"... I guess I was wrong.  Thank goodness.
     My intensity allows me to be creative, so that's a plus.  It's what allows me to write this blog, paint, and come up with outfits that seem to work out for me everyday. 
     I actually consider outfits walking art.  Bet you didn't know that fun fact about me! 
     Art is supposed to make you think and give you an emotion... So maybe its just me, but fashion does that.  Art doesn't necessarily need to be beautiful, it can be disturbing.  Ive definitely been disturbed by some outfits (cough*goths*cough) in the past couple days... This art is too harsh on my eyes... Tone it down with the black ladies and gentlemen, I guarantee you that you're beautiful underneath that dark eyeliner.

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