Striped sweater, jeans, TOMS.
Look, its me at a Christmas party!
Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen. Its finally here, and so I figured I would post last Fridays outfit on the joliest day of the year. Sure, all of these presents and stuff is great, but the best part of the holidays is truely and sincerely family.
Everyone has family drama. Everyone fights in their families, but in the end, everything turns out okay.
When you go to bed, say a prayer. Remember what is important in life. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. And Hanukka. Kwanza.
Also, I have to mention the reason for the season: my lord and savior Jesus Christ, but Im not about to go all Tim Tebow on you, so Ill leave it at that.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Day 74: The Worst If All Chores
Grey sweater, sparkly tank top, jeans that don't fit me, Uggs.
I'm a generally a flexible person. I'm not very picky and I don't have a tendency to whine. There is one thing though that just agitates me. It gets under my skin and makes me cringe. If I'm upset enough, Ill cry about it.
Doing the dishes. I cant stand it. In the Galindo household, doing the dishes is a phat deal. On all of the odd days of the month (ie. March 11, November 3) I have to do the dishes, and my thirteen year old sister does it on the even days (just as a side note, I always have more days during the year because most months end in 31, and start with 1. Two days in a row of dishes.)
Apparently, my family, myself included, doesn't know how to eat cleanly because by the time I do the dishes at night its jammed packed with leftover food and greasy grime. Its an eye sore. I know that I should be happy that I have food to eat and that my parents feed me and yes I am lucky, but I have a right to be heard.
Ive been doing dishes since the third grade, so has my sister. That is eight years of doing the dishes every other day, with a few exceptions. My brother is well into the fifth grade, he doesn't do dishes. Why? Couldn't tell you. Wish I could.
Today is December 15th. The dishes are piled up as I write... Sitting there, mocking me. I don't want to do them. I lose a little bit more of my dignity every time I slip on the pink rubber cleaning gloves.
Susan always tells me that I should get used to it because Ill be doing dishes for the rest of my life. I intend in finding a way to avoid that fate in any way possible.
I'm a generally a flexible person. I'm not very picky and I don't have a tendency to whine. There is one thing though that just agitates me. It gets under my skin and makes me cringe. If I'm upset enough, Ill cry about it.
Doing the dishes. I cant stand it. In the Galindo household, doing the dishes is a phat deal. On all of the odd days of the month (ie. March 11, November 3) I have to do the dishes, and my thirteen year old sister does it on the even days (just as a side note, I always have more days during the year because most months end in 31, and start with 1. Two days in a row of dishes.)
Apparently, my family, myself included, doesn't know how to eat cleanly because by the time I do the dishes at night its jammed packed with leftover food and greasy grime. Its an eye sore. I know that I should be happy that I have food to eat and that my parents feed me and yes I am lucky, but I have a right to be heard.
Ive been doing dishes since the third grade, so has my sister. That is eight years of doing the dishes every other day, with a few exceptions. My brother is well into the fifth grade, he doesn't do dishes. Why? Couldn't tell you. Wish I could.
Today is December 15th. The dishes are piled up as I write... Sitting there, mocking me. I don't want to do them. I lose a little bit more of my dignity every time I slip on the pink rubber cleaning gloves.
Susan always tells me that I should get used to it because Ill be doing dishes for the rest of my life. I intend in finding a way to avoid that fate in any way possible.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Day 73: What Is Going On?!
Tacky Christmas sweater, leggings, Uggs.
Today was tacky sweater day. My personal favorite day of the year. A day dedicated to looking ridiculous. If I could look ridiculous everyday, I would. What am I saying, I do look ridiculous everyday, in my own hipster way...
Two days until break... Just two more days, hang in there.
The caffeine with drawls are really starting to hit me. For example, I was in Target shopping for Christmas presents on this cold day, and I got hungry. I went over to concessions to get popcorn and a soda. I remembered once I got to the soda fountain that I don't get the luxury of drinking my usual Diet Coke. I began to cry. I'm not sure why, it was more like frustration. I felt like a four year old throwing a temper tantrum.
Today, my earrings lit up like flashing Christmas lights, because they were in the shape of Christmas lights.
I need sleep, I apologize for wasting your time.
Today was tacky sweater day. My personal favorite day of the year. A day dedicated to looking ridiculous. If I could look ridiculous everyday, I would. What am I saying, I do look ridiculous everyday, in my own hipster way...
Two days until break... Just two more days, hang in there.
The caffeine with drawls are really starting to hit me. For example, I was in Target shopping for Christmas presents on this cold day, and I got hungry. I went over to concessions to get popcorn and a soda. I remembered once I got to the soda fountain that I don't get the luxury of drinking my usual Diet Coke. I began to cry. I'm not sure why, it was more like frustration. I felt like a four year old throwing a temper tantrum.
Today, my earrings lit up like flashing Christmas lights, because they were in the shape of Christmas lights.
I need sleep, I apologize for wasting your time.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Day 72: The Stress Amounts
Black jacket, green shear blouse, jeans that are terrible and I need to get rid of, TOMS.
Four more days until Christmas break. The pressure is on. Not pressure in school, no, pressure in everything except school.
Everyone is focused on one thing: Christmas (or Hanuka or Kwanzaa, I don't discriminate). All of my teachers have given us busy work or no work at all because they don't have the time to focus on us children when there is so much going on.
I don't blame them, I'm busy myself. I have to buy presents for all the my teachers, my family, my friends, and my poodle.
I love my dog. I really do. I don't, however, treat my dog like a human being. This is the case for one simple reason: Dogs are not human beings. They shouldn't be treated like them either.
Holidays cards are a tradition, we Galindo's receive many cards everyday during the month of December. At least once a day we get a card that says (Example): "Happy Holidays! Love, Greg, Sheryl, Dan, Margie, and Fido". Okay. Stop right there. Apparently dogs are people now? If I were Dan and Margie, I would be pretty upset that my parents think that my dog is on the same standards as the kids they raised. Like I said, I love my dog. I also love the people that send these cards, I just personally think its ridiculous. We are people, dogs eat their own poop; I see a clear difference, do you?
Anyways, now that Ive ridiculed half the people who read this blog of mine, Christmas is coming soon, so stay warm and drink lots of hot cocoa. In my case it would be coffee, but I'm not allowed to drink caffeine because of my tendency to get anxiety attacks. Happy Holidays!
Four more days until Christmas break. The pressure is on. Not pressure in school, no, pressure in everything except school.
Everyone is focused on one thing: Christmas (or Hanuka or Kwanzaa, I don't discriminate). All of my teachers have given us busy work or no work at all because they don't have the time to focus on us children when there is so much going on.
I don't blame them, I'm busy myself. I have to buy presents for all the my teachers, my family, my friends, and my poodle.
I love my dog. I really do. I don't, however, treat my dog like a human being. This is the case for one simple reason: Dogs are not human beings. They shouldn't be treated like them either.
Holidays cards are a tradition, we Galindo's receive many cards everyday during the month of December. At least once a day we get a card that says (Example): "Happy Holidays! Love, Greg, Sheryl, Dan, Margie, and Fido". Okay. Stop right there. Apparently dogs are people now? If I were Dan and Margie, I would be pretty upset that my parents think that my dog is on the same standards as the kids they raised. Like I said, I love my dog. I also love the people that send these cards, I just personally think its ridiculous. We are people, dogs eat their own poop; I see a clear difference, do you?
Anyways, now that Ive ridiculed half the people who read this blog of mine, Christmas is coming soon, so stay warm and drink lots of hot cocoa. In my case it would be coffee, but I'm not allowed to drink caffeine because of my tendency to get anxiety attacks. Happy Holidays!
Me and Roy on TOMS Tuesday
Monday, December 12, 2011
Day 71: My Easy Bake Oven
"Comfy or flirty
Sweeping you off of your feet
any sock's best friend"
Sweeping you off of your feet
any sock's best friend"
-Julia Carter
Creme sweater, red tights, denim shorts, mini boots.Yes, yes; I wore jean shorts over my tights today. I try to set trends, and if it doesnt work then fine. Red is in this season, however, and this was just the perfect shade of red to start the week.
I would like to adress two things. First off, when I say "nude cami" in my outfit descriptions, it means the color is nude, Im not actually naked. Hopefully that spares future confusion. Also, it has been pointed out to me that my grammer is terrible. Im sorry, that wont change, youre going to have to suffer. Well Im glad I got that taken of.
This is the last week before Christmas break. Which mean this is my last week of posting until Christmas break. Enjoy.
When I was a little girl, I wrote to Santa wishing for an Easy Bake Oven. All I wanted to see on Christmas morning was that Easy Bake Oven waiting for me next to my stocking. I asked ONLY for that oven, so that I would have the highest possible chance of getting it. For those of you who dont know what an Easy Bake Oven is, it is a plastic miniature oven that bakes small sugary creations. The treats are awful, but you have so much fun making them the taste doesnt even phase you.
Seeing that Easy Bake Oven gracefully sitting upon the invisible pedestal I created for it on Christmas morning made me so overjoyed I could barely stand it.
I played with it twice, maybe three times.
My entire holiday revolved around that toy. I cant remember any other aspects of that month besides wanting it so badly.
I, like so many of us young and old, got caught up in the baccanalia of the holiday avertisment frenzy. Now that Im older and have developed my maturity, sort of, the thing I enjoy most over the holidays is the tradition. Yes, for me part of the tradition is wanting something so badly that it becomes my Easy Bake Oven, but I also enjoy the other things the season has to offer. I have the advent calender I change every morning, stringing lights on the tree with Gary, spending hours with Susan trying to mail our holiday cards, and my brother and sister sleeping in my room Christmas Eve anticipating the following morning.
It doesnt matter what the tradition is, but hold onto it. Whether its lighting the manora or even the classic Christmas family fights, they all mean something special. Remember it, and love it. Love it like I loved my Easy Bake Oven.
Special thanks to Jason Vawter, Ashley Snarr, and Andie Furber; I love this picture.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Day 70: Don't Hate, Just Don't Do It.
True Religion corduroy pants, red sweater, white scarf.
I cant make people love me. I cant make people want to be my friend. I try to maintain the relationships I have, though. I try to be generous, I try to be kind.
I have never given anyone an excuse to hate me. The world is a screwy place, and there are a select few who would say that they hate me.
Its such a strong word: Hate. You don't realize the impact it has until it is personal. Like I said, I cant make people be my friend, so if I'm not your friend, don't be hating. You're wasting your time. There are so many things you could be doing with your time instead of hating. I dunno, maybe LOVING.
A life of hate is truly a sad existence. People recognize the hate and you and mark you for that.
I don't "hate" anyone. I don't particularly like some people, but I don't hate them. Why would I? I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone enough to hate them. Except for my best friends, but I would never hate them.
Moral of the story is don't hate. Did you catch that?
I cant make people love me. I cant make people want to be my friend. I try to maintain the relationships I have, though. I try to be generous, I try to be kind.
I have never given anyone an excuse to hate me. The world is a screwy place, and there are a select few who would say that they hate me.
Its such a strong word: Hate. You don't realize the impact it has until it is personal. Like I said, I cant make people be my friend, so if I'm not your friend, don't be hating. You're wasting your time. There are so many things you could be doing with your time instead of hating. I dunno, maybe LOVING.
A life of hate is truly a sad existence. People recognize the hate and you and mark you for that.
I don't "hate" anyone. I don't particularly like some people, but I don't hate them. Why would I? I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone enough to hate them. Except for my best friends, but I would never hate them.
Moral of the story is don't hate. Did you catch that?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Day 69: Sixteen Going On Seventy
Blazer, sparkled striped shirt, jeans that don't fit me, TOMS (yet again).
I watch the news every morning. I love to sit down with a cup of coffee and watch Matt Lauer and Anne Curry talk about depressing and/or uplifting current events. Apparently, not a lot of teenagers do that.
Sometimes I think that I'm actually an adult. That somehow my DNA got mixed up.
I love to talk about politics. I love to discuss the news. I watch the History channel for fun. I Tivo "Biography" on PBS. These are all things that sad old people do.
Like I said, sometimes I think I'm an old person, but then I realize that I talk like a valley girl and have a vampire obsession; I'm a teenager after all.
I watch the news every morning. I love to sit down with a cup of coffee and watch Matt Lauer and Anne Curry talk about depressing and/or uplifting current events. Apparently, not a lot of teenagers do that.
Sometimes I think that I'm actually an adult. That somehow my DNA got mixed up.
I love to talk about politics. I love to discuss the news. I watch the History channel for fun. I Tivo "Biography" on PBS. These are all things that sad old people do.
Like I said, sometimes I think I'm an old person, but then I realize that I talk like a valley girl and have a vampire obsession; I'm a teenager after all.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Day 68: Hipsters
Grey Juicy jacket, nude cami, black pencil skirt, see through striped maxi dress/skirt.
Four, count them... FOUR, hipsters came up to me today complimenting my skirt. I had no idea who they were, but I saw right through their jealousy as they were really implying "that skirt is so freaky and hipster that I'm mad I didn't think of something that bizarre.
I'm not directly implying that my skirt wasn't very trendy, because it was if I do say so myself.
Hipsters, for those of you who don't know, are modern day hippies. They look very dirty and rugged, wear clothes that are supposed to look so ugly that its trendy. They worship nature and hate politics, yet encourage recycling.
In modern day Danville California, hipster is the opposite of their goal of being unique... It is mainstream.
Kids at Monte Vista spend hundreds of dollars to look so poor. Hipsters. I once aspired to be a hipster, this I am ashamed of. I need so desperately to be different, and being mainstream just wont work out for me. In a hipsters eyes, being with the trends is too ordinary, therefore they branch out to crazy things. I suppose this means Ill be going back to being normal in order to be abnormal. That's a mind twister.
I respect hipsters, I'm friends with many. They make me laugh though. They make me laugh.
Four, count them... FOUR, hipsters came up to me today complimenting my skirt. I had no idea who they were, but I saw right through their jealousy as they were really implying "that skirt is so freaky and hipster that I'm mad I didn't think of something that bizarre.
I'm not directly implying that my skirt wasn't very trendy, because it was if I do say so myself.
Hipsters, for those of you who don't know, are modern day hippies. They look very dirty and rugged, wear clothes that are supposed to look so ugly that its trendy. They worship nature and hate politics, yet encourage recycling.
In modern day Danville California, hipster is the opposite of their goal of being unique... It is mainstream.
Kids at Monte Vista spend hundreds of dollars to look so poor. Hipsters. I once aspired to be a hipster, this I am ashamed of. I need so desperately to be different, and being mainstream just wont work out for me. In a hipsters eyes, being with the trends is too ordinary, therefore they branch out to crazy things. I suppose this means Ill be going back to being normal in order to be abnormal. That's a mind twister.
I respect hipsters, I'm friends with many. They make me laugh though. They make me laugh.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Day 67: Short Post
Flannel pajama bottoms, blue sweater, and TOMS.
TOMS Tuesday and PJ day, what a bonus.
Being comfortable is important. But when it comes to fashion: Beauty is pain.
Winter means cold. Cold means discomfort. Nobody likes being cold, but I manage to deal. You see, I think about it in harsh terms. Basically I would rather freeze to death then burn to death. Extreme, I know, but I try to be careful what I wish for.
I don't mind being cold as long as I look good.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Day 66: Swim Day 1
Striped sweater, TOMS, jeans, black shirt.
My outfit today was super ugly, so lets forget about it... Enjoy these pictures of me dressed up as the Russian Grand Duchess Olga Katrina.
Today marked the first day of winter swim. It was dreadful. Considering that I never work out anymore, it was as if someone was slowly torturing me to death. I'm lying, it wasn't that bad, but it was a challenge.
So I did what any other person would do: I rewarded myself. I got a large Diet Coke at McDonald's simply because I could. I drive, I have money.
I'm going to be so sore for the next couple of days. That's so sad. I'm weak. This kind of talk isn't me putting myself down, no, its me being my own personal "tough love" trainer. I do a pretty good job...
My chub will remain chub throughout the swim season. I never lose weight, but I don't mind. Its probably all of that McDonald's...
My outfit today was super ugly, so lets forget about it... Enjoy these pictures of me dressed up as the Russian Grand Duchess Olga Katrina.
Today marked the first day of winter swim. It was dreadful. Considering that I never work out anymore, it was as if someone was slowly torturing me to death. I'm lying, it wasn't that bad, but it was a challenge.
So I did what any other person would do: I rewarded myself. I got a large Diet Coke at McDonald's simply because I could. I drive, I have money.
I'm going to be so sore for the next couple of days. That's so sad. I'm weak. This kind of talk isn't me putting myself down, no, its me being my own personal "tough love" trainer. I do a pretty good job...
My chub will remain chub throughout the swim season. I never lose weight, but I don't mind. Its probably all of that McDonald's...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Day 65: Clean.
White lace dress, camouflage green sweater, brown booties.
I am NOT a needy person. I do insist, however, that everything is perfect when it comes to hygiene.
I like clean things. Who doesn't? So I like things a little more clean then the average person... Yes, I may wash my hands between passing periods and Lysol keyboards... Sue me.
I just don't want to get sick. Being sick is the worst. Sharing sickness is even worse.
Me and my little sister share a room and a closet. She is not as particular as I am when it comes to cleanliness of clothing. I have a weird fear that shes going to transfer her middle school germs onto me when I wear her clothes. Maybe I'm just paranoid?
Nope, I'm right.
Its cold and flu season. Getting sick is practically a given. I warn you people, WASH YOUR HANDS so you can put off getting sick for just a little while longer. Drink water, too. I have no idea why, but doctors always say consume liquids, and they primarily know what they're talking about. Make good choices, don't share drinks! Unless its a smoothie, those things are tempting.
I am NOT a needy person. I do insist, however, that everything is perfect when it comes to hygiene.
I like clean things. Who doesn't? So I like things a little more clean then the average person... Yes, I may wash my hands between passing periods and Lysol keyboards... Sue me.
I just don't want to get sick. Being sick is the worst. Sharing sickness is even worse.
Me and my little sister share a room and a closet. She is not as particular as I am when it comes to cleanliness of clothing. I have a weird fear that shes going to transfer her middle school germs onto me when I wear her clothes. Maybe I'm just paranoid?
Nope, I'm right.
Its cold and flu season. Getting sick is practically a given. I warn you people, WASH YOUR HANDS so you can put off getting sick for just a little while longer. Drink water, too. I have no idea why, but doctors always say consume liquids, and they primarily know what they're talking about. Make good choices, don't share drinks! Unless its a smoothie, those things are tempting.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Day 64: Makeup
Grey sweater, green floral scarf, jeans, Vans.
Today was one of those days where I struggled to get myself out of bed. When I looked in the mirror, I just stared.
I didn't wear makeup today. This a decision I was so happy I made. I thought that I would be self-conscience at school because not many people have seen me without my makeup mask before. At school, it didn't matter what they thought because I spent the whole day rubbing my eyes. You know why? BECAUSE I COULD! Makeup is so restricting! If I rubbed my eyes with makeup on during school, I would end up looking like a raccoon. Maybe that's a sign I should lay off the eyeliner.
Today was one of those days where I struggled to get myself out of bed. When I looked in the mirror, I just stared.
I didn't wear makeup today. This a decision I was so happy I made. I thought that I would be self-conscience at school because not many people have seen me without my makeup mask before. At school, it didn't matter what they thought because I spent the whole day rubbing my eyes. You know why? BECAUSE I COULD! Makeup is so restricting! If I rubbed my eyes with makeup on during school, I would end up looking like a raccoon. Maybe that's a sign I should lay off the eyeliner.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Day 63: Dr. Oz, My Man
Grey dress, sea foam green sweater, TOMS, black belt.
There are a few people in this world that I consider myself obsessed with.
Dr. Oz.
Dr. Oz is a doctor who always used to appear on Oprah, giving his adorable doctor advice, and now he has his own show.
He comes out on stage in those scrubs, sliding those purple surgeon gloves onto his hands. He is generally a sexy person. Which is creepy, cause hes like 50 and I'm in high school...
When I listen to him, however, I do feel like a lazy lard because he reads these scary nutrition facts that I can totally relate to because I eat a ton of food. According to him, I may reach obesity by my 30's if I keep going at this rate. I should start listening to this man.
I would work out and eat right, like Dr. Oz tells me to, but Ive had tech week for this awesome play I'm doing called "You Can't Take It With You" (7:30pm December 1,2,3, come see it) and just haven't had time to get up and be active. That's a valid excuse though. I get home at 9:30pm and watch the news and blog, where I proceed to crash on the couch, reread my blog post, a realize it doesn't make any sense... Then suddenly I look up and forget where I am, then I know its time to go to bed...
There are a few people in this world that I consider myself obsessed with.
Dr. Oz.
Dr. Oz is a doctor who always used to appear on Oprah, giving his adorable doctor advice, and now he has his own show.
He comes out on stage in those scrubs, sliding those purple surgeon gloves onto his hands. He is generally a sexy person. Which is creepy, cause hes like 50 and I'm in high school...
When I listen to him, however, I do feel like a lazy lard because he reads these scary nutrition facts that I can totally relate to because I eat a ton of food. According to him, I may reach obesity by my 30's if I keep going at this rate. I should start listening to this man.
I would work out and eat right, like Dr. Oz tells me to, but Ive had tech week for this awesome play I'm doing called "You Can't Take It With You" (7:30pm December 1,2,3, come see it) and just haven't had time to get up and be active. That's a valid excuse though. I get home at 9:30pm and watch the news and blog, where I proceed to crash on the couch, reread my blog post, a realize it doesn't make any sense... Then suddenly I look up and forget where I am, then I know its time to go to bed...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Day 62: Popluarity Isn't Everything
Black shrug sweater, yellow skirt, oxfords, grey cami.
When you are young, your parents teach you that popularity isn't everything. That being popular and fitting in with the big crowds isn't important. Sometimes I think parents were never kids. Growing up is a hard thing to do, and fitting in makes things go a little bit smoother.
I have many interests. One of my interests is theatre, so I have a theatre group. One of my interests is being lazy, that's what my best friends are for. The point is, I never had to grow up alone, which is fortunate for me.
The problem is, much like in Communist countries, when you get to where you wanted to be, you become power hungry and want more.
I like attention. Who doesn't?
Ive had to deal with the fact that I am just okay where I am in my life. I love my friends and I don't need to be any higher or lower then where I am now.
Well, maybe higher. When I become a professional actress of course...
When you are young, your parents teach you that popularity isn't everything. That being popular and fitting in with the big crowds isn't important. Sometimes I think parents were never kids. Growing up is a hard thing to do, and fitting in makes things go a little bit smoother.
I have many interests. One of my interests is theatre, so I have a theatre group. One of my interests is being lazy, that's what my best friends are for. The point is, I never had to grow up alone, which is fortunate for me.
The problem is, much like in Communist countries, when you get to where you wanted to be, you become power hungry and want more.
I like attention. Who doesn't?
Ive had to deal with the fact that I am just okay where I am in my life. I love my friends and I don't need to be any higher or lower then where I am now.
Well, maybe higher. When I become a professional actress of course...
Day 61: Surprises
Cream sweater, jeans (being held together at the knee by SAFETY PINS), moccasins.
Thanksgiving break is the awkward break that we don't even necessarily need. Don't get me wrong, I had a great week off, but I would be okay if they cut that short and just gave us two weeks off in spring break when we are struggling to get through school just waiting for summer. Either way, I shouldn't be complaining.
Every year around this time, I ask myself: "Self, what do you really desire for Christmas this year?". When I was younger, I went big. My list was handwritten, and I would ask for a bike, a computer, a dog, and a pony all in the same year. In the list, I would throw in: "I want lots of hugs, kisses, and love from Mommy and Daddy because they are so important to me." Ya know, trying to fluff it up a little, maybe make them want to get me such extravagant presents. I didn't work, I normally got some clothes-- crushing my childish expectations.
This year, when I asked myself the question I do every year... I couldn't really think of anything. I have everything that I need and most of the things that I want. A little spoiled perhaps.
That being said, this year I get the element of pure surprise when I open my gifts.
I don't deal with surprises well. Apparently, when surprises occur, the person being surprised normally picks up on some hints by the surprisees before the event takes place. I don't pick up on hints. Ever. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend...
Ive had many surprise parties occur on my birthday in years past that I honestly did not see coming in any way, shape, or form. I have fantastic friends who know how to scare the crap out of me. They scare me so badly every time because I just get so confused! Its scary being confused...
I don't like surprises.
Thanksgiving break is the awkward break that we don't even necessarily need. Don't get me wrong, I had a great week off, but I would be okay if they cut that short and just gave us two weeks off in spring break when we are struggling to get through school just waiting for summer. Either way, I shouldn't be complaining.
Every year around this time, I ask myself: "Self, what do you really desire for Christmas this year?". When I was younger, I went big. My list was handwritten, and I would ask for a bike, a computer, a dog, and a pony all in the same year. In the list, I would throw in: "I want lots of hugs, kisses, and love from Mommy and Daddy because they are so important to me." Ya know, trying to fluff it up a little, maybe make them want to get me such extravagant presents. I didn't work, I normally got some clothes-- crushing my childish expectations.
This year, when I asked myself the question I do every year... I couldn't really think of anything. I have everything that I need and most of the things that I want. A little spoiled perhaps.
That being said, this year I get the element of pure surprise when I open my gifts.
I don't deal with surprises well. Apparently, when surprises occur, the person being surprised normally picks up on some hints by the surprisees before the event takes place. I don't pick up on hints. Ever. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend...
Ive had many surprise parties occur on my birthday in years past that I honestly did not see coming in any way, shape, or form. I have fantastic friends who know how to scare the crap out of me. They scare me so badly every time because I just get so confused! Its scary being confused...
I don't like surprises.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Day 60:
Old man sweater, jean capris, TOMS.
This post is supposed to be from Friday. I'm very lazy though.
I'm ashamed of my outfit, yes. It makes sense that I would wear it though considering I didn't go to bed until 3:00am the night before.
I waited four hours sitting in line for Breaking Dawn, and it was so worth it. Despite the fact that it was absolutely freezing outside, I was totally warmed up by the fact that I was about to walk into the movie I had been anticipating for months.
It was incredible, that's about all I can say. I don't think I'm going to settle in life for anything less than a vampire husband and a baby to match.
This post is supposed to be from Friday. I'm very lazy though.
I'm ashamed of my outfit, yes. It makes sense that I would wear it though considering I didn't go to bed until 3:00am the night before.
I waited four hours sitting in line for Breaking Dawn, and it was so worth it. Despite the fact that it was absolutely freezing outside, I was totally warmed up by the fact that I was about to walk into the movie I had been anticipating for months.
It was incredible, that's about all I can say. I don't think I'm going to settle in life for anything less than a vampire husband and a baby to match.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Day 59: Breaking Dawn, at Midnight
Grey sweater, pink sparkly shirt, black earrings, jeans, Vans.
I looked like a mom today. Dressed like it, I mean. Never been so comfortable, though. I get why moms wear bulky clothing now. Props to moms everywhere.
Despite my appearance today, I am very much a teenage girl underneath: The premiere is tonight.
There is something about bloodsucking vampires and smelly werewolves that attract so many girls. For some strange reason, we spend hours fantasizing about sparkly boys and transformations, obsessing over the idea that it may be reality, even though we know it could never be. We don't like to think that life could be anything less then a forbidden love story, filled with danger that is impossibly inescapable, then somehow magically escaping the loose hold of death.
When all of us grow up, we are going to be very disappointed. We may even resent our future husbands for not being able to sparkle. I think I may need to lower my expectations...
Ive never even had a boyfriend, so my imaginary one is a vampire, simply because I'm allowed to dream.
While us girls are dreaming of mythical creatures, guys are wishing we looked more like Megan Fox or Selena Gomez. I suppose that's their version of Team Edward and Team Jacob.
Im going to go freeze my butt off sitting in a line for three hours now. The things I do for you, Edward Cullen.
I looked like a mom today. Dressed like it, I mean. Never been so comfortable, though. I get why moms wear bulky clothing now. Props to moms everywhere.
Despite my appearance today, I am very much a teenage girl underneath: The premiere is tonight.
There is something about bloodsucking vampires and smelly werewolves that attract so many girls. For some strange reason, we spend hours fantasizing about sparkly boys and transformations, obsessing over the idea that it may be reality, even though we know it could never be. We don't like to think that life could be anything less then a forbidden love story, filled with danger that is impossibly inescapable, then somehow magically escaping the loose hold of death.
When all of us grow up, we are going to be very disappointed. We may even resent our future husbands for not being able to sparkle. I think I may need to lower my expectations...
Ive never even had a boyfriend, so my imaginary one is a vampire, simply because I'm allowed to dream.
While us girls are dreaming of mythical creatures, guys are wishing we looked more like Megan Fox or Selena Gomez. I suppose that's their version of Team Edward and Team Jacob.
Im going to go freeze my butt off sitting in a line for three hours now. The things I do for you, Edward Cullen.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Day 58: An Early Merry Christmas!
Black lace shirt, pink tank top underneath, jeans, TOMS, blue earrings, black headband.
One day until Breaking Dawn, pinch me I'm dreaming.
Three days until Thanksgiving break. The thing about Thanksgiving is that its just one of those slow holidays that you wait to pass so that you can finally be in the (Christmas) holiday spirit. Christmas is without a doubt the happiest time of the year. Its also the most stressful. Its a wonderful contradiction. After Christmas is over, you begin to wait for the next wonderful Christmas to come along.
I'm sixteen, and I feel like Ive already had a lifetime of Christmases. Its because Christmas doesn't come in just one day, its one day dragged out into an entire month of festivities.
Oh Christmas, the celebration of a born child who saved us all. We give each other presents and eat eggnog and dread going to church. I can already hear the jingle bells.
Oh my gosh! I didn't mean to leave out Hanukkah in the holidays! I enjoy the occasional latke. I'm a catholic, however, so spinning the dradel isn't my tradition. I'm more of a stockings by the fire kind of person myself.
Unfortunately, I will not have anyone to kiss under the mistletoe this year. Look at me, I'm talking about it as if Ive had people in the past to share that with. I can assure you, I haven't.
I have to start making my wish list!
One day until Breaking Dawn, pinch me I'm dreaming.
Three days until Thanksgiving break. The thing about Thanksgiving is that its just one of those slow holidays that you wait to pass so that you can finally be in the (Christmas) holiday spirit. Christmas is without a doubt the happiest time of the year. Its also the most stressful. Its a wonderful contradiction. After Christmas is over, you begin to wait for the next wonderful Christmas to come along.
I'm sixteen, and I feel like Ive already had a lifetime of Christmases. Its because Christmas doesn't come in just one day, its one day dragged out into an entire month of festivities.
Oh Christmas, the celebration of a born child who saved us all. We give each other presents and eat eggnog and dread going to church. I can already hear the jingle bells.
Oh my gosh! I didn't mean to leave out Hanukkah in the holidays! I enjoy the occasional latke. I'm a catholic, however, so spinning the dradel isn't my tradition. I'm more of a stockings by the fire kind of person myself.
Unfortunately, I will not have anyone to kiss under the mistletoe this year. Look at me, I'm talking about it as if Ive had people in the past to share that with. I can assure you, I haven't.
I have to start making my wish list!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Day 57: Mood Swings
Sparkly shirt, pink pajama pants, Uggs, pink earrings.
Today was pajama day at school, it isnt just me being lazy.
Do you ever have one of those moods where you go through so many different emotions so rapidly? I do.
I find myself laughing at everything going on around me, then all of the sudden being really mad at the world. Then I cry. Then Im happy again. Then I get sleepy, and start to cry again.
Im a dramatic person, I admit it. Mood swings like this, however, arent my cup of tea. I hate feeling like such a mess all the time. If I could stay a constant mood for a couple of days and just take a break from being so up and down, I would grab that oppurtunity. It would be a pretty boring couple of days, but at least I would be stable.
Warning: Im about to have some serious mood swings due to exhaustion on Friday because...
IM GOING TO THE MIDNIGHT PREMIRE OF THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN ON THURSDAY NIGHT. I mean, I dunno, I guess Im happy about it. I have the greatest parents ever for letting me go to this life-changing event. Im a die-hard Twilight Saga fan. Im such a teenage girl... Dont judge me.
Today was pajama day at school, it isnt just me being lazy.
Do you ever have one of those moods where you go through so many different emotions so rapidly? I do.
I find myself laughing at everything going on around me, then all of the sudden being really mad at the world. Then I cry. Then Im happy again. Then I get sleepy, and start to cry again.
Im a dramatic person, I admit it. Mood swings like this, however, arent my cup of tea. I hate feeling like such a mess all the time. If I could stay a constant mood for a couple of days and just take a break from being so up and down, I would grab that oppurtunity. It would be a pretty boring couple of days, but at least I would be stable.
Warning: Im about to have some serious mood swings due to exhaustion on Friday because...
IM GOING TO THE MIDNIGHT PREMIRE OF THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN ON THURSDAY NIGHT. I mean, I dunno, I guess Im happy about it. I have the greatest parents ever for letting me go to this life-changing event. Im a die-hard Twilight Saga fan. Im such a teenage girl... Dont judge me.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 56: Don't Call Me Sick
Striped sweater, tribal maxi skirt, silver earrings, nude sandals.
My ears are ringing, my limbs are aching, I'm pretty sure I'm about to vomit... It can be one of two things: Sickness, or stress.
Well, I have an immunity system of a God so I don't think I'm sick quite yet, its definitely the stress.
The problem with stress is that its so common that you don't get any attention for it. Wow, that sounds conceited, let me explain that. As a junior in high school, I'm surrounded by hundreds of stressed out teens. Its so normal to be stressed out that no one comes to your rescue when you are, because so many other students are managing it as well. Okay, still a little narcissistic of me, but at least I admit it.
If it were sickness, well then I would be taking it much more easy then I am now. I have too much to do to slow down.
I don't like to admit to being sick when I actually am. I very much admit it on the weekends and holidays, but most certainly never on the weekdays. This is partically because I don't want to miss school, but it is also because of my past experiences with staying home...
When I was in the fourth grade, I got the flu and had to stay home from school for two whole weeks. I got to do whatever I wanted in those two weeks. I would lay in my parents bed all day while watching Spongebob Squarepants and eating waffles. After that year, things were different.
Whenever I would want to stay home from school, my parents would ask me if I was absolutely sure, and if I responded yes, then they would say, "Alright, do what you have to do then." That automatically makes me feel guilty of course! I'm not going to want to stay home if it sounds like there will be consequences. Of course the scewed meaning of their words was all in my head, and I'm sure my parents didn't mean for it to sound that way. However, it did.
If I then chose that it was absolutely essential for my well-being to stay at home, I would be told to put my phone and computer in the kitchen, go into my room, shut my blinds, and go to bed. Okay, I know that in context, that is the healthy thing to do, but when my sister comes home and asks what I did at home all day, and she responds with, "Really? Cause ya know when I stay home sick, Mom lets me watch TV all day!", I feel cheated (Not to mention I despise when people tell me to put MY property in THEIR possession. I love my phone, and although my parents pay the bill, its one of the few things I can call mine). It's probably because shes the favorite child.
I'm just kidding, Susan and Gary don't choose favorites... ha...
I'm sure now you can't blame me for my anxiety about getting sick, which I can actually make myself be if I get too stressed out. Its like a magic trick. Gary told me I was going to give myself an aneurysm if I keep stressing out like I do. We cant let that happen, aneurysm means surgery, and surgery means missing school, and you know what that would mean for me...
My mother is going to get mad at me for this post, because she actually is wonderful when I'm sick and would do anything to make me feel better, but I read in between the lines and focus on me... Narcissist.
My ears are ringing, my limbs are aching, I'm pretty sure I'm about to vomit... It can be one of two things: Sickness, or stress.
Well, I have an immunity system of a God so I don't think I'm sick quite yet, its definitely the stress.
The problem with stress is that its so common that you don't get any attention for it. Wow, that sounds conceited, let me explain that. As a junior in high school, I'm surrounded by hundreds of stressed out teens. Its so normal to be stressed out that no one comes to your rescue when you are, because so many other students are managing it as well. Okay, still a little narcissistic of me, but at least I admit it.
If it were sickness, well then I would be taking it much more easy then I am now. I have too much to do to slow down.
I don't like to admit to being sick when I actually am. I very much admit it on the weekends and holidays, but most certainly never on the weekdays. This is partically because I don't want to miss school, but it is also because of my past experiences with staying home...
When I was in the fourth grade, I got the flu and had to stay home from school for two whole weeks. I got to do whatever I wanted in those two weeks. I would lay in my parents bed all day while watching Spongebob Squarepants and eating waffles. After that year, things were different.
Whenever I would want to stay home from school, my parents would ask me if I was absolutely sure, and if I responded yes, then they would say, "Alright, do what you have to do then." That automatically makes me feel guilty of course! I'm not going to want to stay home if it sounds like there will be consequences. Of course the scewed meaning of their words was all in my head, and I'm sure my parents didn't mean for it to sound that way. However, it did.
If I then chose that it was absolutely essential for my well-being to stay at home, I would be told to put my phone and computer in the kitchen, go into my room, shut my blinds, and go to bed. Okay, I know that in context, that is the healthy thing to do, but when my sister comes home and asks what I did at home all day, and she responds with, "Really? Cause ya know when I stay home sick, Mom lets me watch TV all day!", I feel cheated (Not to mention I despise when people tell me to put MY property in THEIR possession. I love my phone, and although my parents pay the bill, its one of the few things I can call mine). It's probably because shes the favorite child.
I'm just kidding, Susan and Gary don't choose favorites... ha...
I'm sure now you can't blame me for my anxiety about getting sick, which I can actually make myself be if I get too stressed out. Its like a magic trick. Gary told me I was going to give myself an aneurysm if I keep stressing out like I do. We cant let that happen, aneurysm means surgery, and surgery means missing school, and you know what that would mean for me...
My mother is going to get mad at me for this post, because she actually is wonderful when I'm sick and would do anything to make me feel better, but I read in between the lines and focus on me... Narcissist.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day 55: Sweet Victory
School spirit shirt, jeans, crew socks, Uggs, hair ribbon, Monte Vista parka.
So... Monte Vista beat San Ramon in what was possibly the greatest game of high school football in 2011. Honestly though, it was an extremely close game and both teams played very well. Good job SR, you guys were great! (Except for the poor sports who said very rude things to me after the game, though the I know the girls who did, and it wasn't surprising coming from them). In the end, Monte Vista was victorious! The pictures of above are of my boy Nathan who helped lead us to victory, and my beautiful friend Nina who cheers for San Ramon.
The night was so unbelievable that I forgot to blog! Like I do most weekend nights...
My theme last week was yellow, but sorry, I had to finish off the week supporting my Mustangs.
Sad news, one more week until Thanksgiving break. That means a whole week of me not blogging! I really don't know what I'm going to do about it! It'll be weird not writing for a couple days... Miss me?
I'm still recovering from our amazing game. GO MUSTANGS!.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day 54: Rivalry
Black pencil skirt, black cami, yellow lacey blouse, red tights, brown cowboy boots.
Foe, enemy, rival... The person or group you feel the need to destroy. Possibly to a point of hatred or disgust. All humans have the natural instinct to win. Winning is the candy for confidence, its what fuels us to continue to pursue our goals.
Some rivalry is indescribable and random. You simply cant remember why you hate your opposer so passionately.
Rivalry intensifies the process of competition.
I always feel as if I work harder if I'm beating someone out. Or if someone is watching me. Especially if that person is my rival or someone I consider "cool", and I want to show off my skills. Obviously I'm superior in everything I do. Just kidding no I don't.
Knowing how to lose is a skill of its own. It takes great dignity to lose with grace. Of course, there is always next time.
At Monte Vista, the competition of academics is a huge deal. Being good at school is something that will help you get by in the four years of high school. Teachers at this school expect us to be scholars by the age of fourteen. I'm not dumb, but I'm not Machiavelli. I probably never will be. Maybe I will, I don't know, but I feel like if I was going to be a philosopher, at this point I would know that would be my profession. I think that when you're born, you just know you're out-of-this-world brilliant. You don't even need to compete at that point, you're just pure genius.
OH, speaking of this rivalry nonsense, Monte Vista is playing San Ramon tomorrow in football, our school rivals... Isn't that a coincidence? GO MUSTANGS!
Foe, enemy, rival... The person or group you feel the need to destroy. Possibly to a point of hatred or disgust. All humans have the natural instinct to win. Winning is the candy for confidence, its what fuels us to continue to pursue our goals.
Some rivalry is indescribable and random. You simply cant remember why you hate your opposer so passionately.
Rivalry intensifies the process of competition.
I always feel as if I work harder if I'm beating someone out. Or if someone is watching me. Especially if that person is my rival or someone I consider "cool", and I want to show off my skills. Obviously I'm superior in everything I do. Just kidding no I don't.
Knowing how to lose is a skill of its own. It takes great dignity to lose with grace. Of course, there is always next time.
At Monte Vista, the competition of academics is a huge deal. Being good at school is something that will help you get by in the four years of high school. Teachers at this school expect us to be scholars by the age of fourteen. I'm not dumb, but I'm not Machiavelli. I probably never will be. Maybe I will, I don't know, but I feel like if I was going to be a philosopher, at this point I would know that would be my profession. I think that when you're born, you just know you're out-of-this-world brilliant. You don't even need to compete at that point, you're just pure genius.
OH, speaking of this rivalry nonsense, Monte Vista is playing San Ramon tomorrow in football, our school rivals... Isn't that a coincidence? GO MUSTANGS!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Day 53: Tired
Yellow shirt, jeans, pink Juicy jacket, sparkly sweater, purple TOMS, purple hat.
Today was crazy hat day. I wore a shrug hat that, from the angle of the picture above, looks like more of stoners beanie I'm beginning to realize.
I own one pair of jeans that fit me. That's a lie, I have one pair of jeans that KIND OF fit me. Today, I ripped those jeans. And just when I thought my day couldn't get worse...
I have never been so drained emotionally, mentally, nor physically as I was today. Actually, I'm sure I probably have, but this assumption is purely based off of emotion, not rationality. How can I be rational when I'm so tired?
Being tired from the start of the day messes up the entire schedule you are supposed to follow. I had a pretty nutty schedule this lovely Tuesday: Get a Starbucks, go to school, participate in school, then have rehearsal from 3:30pm-8:30pm, come home and cry, do homework, cry more, and end up here... In front of a computer... Doing what I love to do, write. But like I said, today I was tired, so none of this came easy.
Being so busy like this isn't a question of being manageable or not, because I don't have a choice, I have to find someway to deal with my business. How you learn to deal with this hectic life is how you keep your sanity. I do a poor job of that, Ill admit that. You shouldn't hire me as a life coach. I'd hire me as like a jest or something. Or a baker, I can bake.
Time is a hard thing to manage. The thing about time is that its constantly changing, but it always stays the same. Time doesn't slow down for anyone. Its like the honey badger, it don't care, it does what it wants. Time will always be moving, but staying at the same pace all the same. Even if you are having a "slow day" or "fast day", time is still time, and its moving at the same pace.
Don't try to cheat time, it'd be like cheating the new healthcare plan: You can try, but the government will punish you. WHAT?! Who said that?
Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities and new open doors. That's kind of a lot, I should get some rest for this new day ahead of me.
Today was crazy hat day. I wore a shrug hat that, from the angle of the picture above, looks like more of stoners beanie I'm beginning to realize.
I own one pair of jeans that fit me. That's a lie, I have one pair of jeans that KIND OF fit me. Today, I ripped those jeans. And just when I thought my day couldn't get worse...
I have never been so drained emotionally, mentally, nor physically as I was today. Actually, I'm sure I probably have, but this assumption is purely based off of emotion, not rationality. How can I be rational when I'm so tired?
Being tired from the start of the day messes up the entire schedule you are supposed to follow. I had a pretty nutty schedule this lovely Tuesday: Get a Starbucks, go to school, participate in school, then have rehearsal from 3:30pm-8:30pm, come home and cry, do homework, cry more, and end up here... In front of a computer... Doing what I love to do, write. But like I said, today I was tired, so none of this came easy.
Being so busy like this isn't a question of being manageable or not, because I don't have a choice, I have to find someway to deal with my business. How you learn to deal with this hectic life is how you keep your sanity. I do a poor job of that, Ill admit that. You shouldn't hire me as a life coach. I'd hire me as like a jest or something. Or a baker, I can bake.
Time is a hard thing to manage. The thing about time is that its constantly changing, but it always stays the same. Time doesn't slow down for anyone. Its like the honey badger, it don't care, it does what it wants. Time will always be moving, but staying at the same pace all the same. Even if you are having a "slow day" or "fast day", time is still time, and its moving at the same pace.
Don't try to cheat time, it'd be like cheating the new healthcare plan: You can try, but the government will punish you. WHAT?! Who said that?
Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities and new open doors. That's kind of a lot, I should get some rest for this new day ahead of me.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 52: Look Mom, Im on the Internet!
Off-yellow skirt, cream blouse, Letterman's jacket from Urban Outfitters, oxfords.
I don't even know where to begin. Well, for those of you who read everyday: My wonderful uncle wrote an article on this very blog for WalnutCreekPatch. How unreal is that? I feel like a superstar. Here's the link to the article:
For those of you who don't know me, HI, I'm Maddy Galindo, I write and I enjoy fashion. See me in the picture up there? I'm the tall brunette one on the right! This blog is for everyone to enjoy, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Wow, I'm so mind-blown. This blog began as a simple idea to get me to look presentable everyday, and look at me now... AN ARTICLE?! Progress.
For those of you who have never read this blog before, I feel a little bad that I may have turned you off with my last post... It was deep. Just know that I write what is truly on my mind at the time of the post. I don't write unless I'm passionate about it. I urge you to read former posts, they are a little lighter and it may help you to understand future posts. For example, if I use the word "thurnumbus", its because its a made-up word that I explained in an earlier post, so I would look at the defenition in case it comes up in the future (Day 13, if you care).
I'm so excited right now I can hardly contain it. I know that I'm officially not talking to myself anymore.
Thank you so much to my uncle who was so kind to write an article about me, I didn't even know I was exciting enough to be recognized publicly.
Themes are officially back, and I have one this week. See if you can guess it...
If you have anything at all you would wish to share with me about this blog, guess my theme, (or life, Ive been told I'm a good listener), etc., email me: or mention&follow me on Twitter @Maddy180days
Today is a good day. Have a beautiful night.
I don't even know where to begin. Well, for those of you who read everyday: My wonderful uncle wrote an article on this very blog for WalnutCreekPatch. How unreal is that? I feel like a superstar. Here's the link to the article:
For those of you who don't know me, HI, I'm Maddy Galindo, I write and I enjoy fashion. See me in the picture up there? I'm the tall brunette one on the right! This blog is for everyone to enjoy, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Wow, I'm so mind-blown. This blog began as a simple idea to get me to look presentable everyday, and look at me now... AN ARTICLE?! Progress.
For those of you who have never read this blog before, I feel a little bad that I may have turned you off with my last post... It was deep. Just know that I write what is truly on my mind at the time of the post. I don't write unless I'm passionate about it. I urge you to read former posts, they are a little lighter and it may help you to understand future posts. For example, if I use the word "thurnumbus", its because its a made-up word that I explained in an earlier post, so I would look at the defenition in case it comes up in the future (Day 13, if you care).
I'm so excited right now I can hardly contain it. I know that I'm officially not talking to myself anymore.
Thank you so much to my uncle who was so kind to write an article about me, I didn't even know I was exciting enough to be recognized publicly.
Themes are officially back, and I have one this week. See if you can guess it...
If you have anything at all you would wish to share with me about this blog, guess my theme, (or life, Ive been told I'm a good listener), etc., email me: or mention&follow me on Twitter @Maddy180days
Today is a good day. Have a beautiful night.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day 51: Age, Religon, and Politics... Heavy Stuff, Bro.
Purple top, darker purple sweater, hightop Vans, True Religion cords.
I have to get better at these themes. I really don't know why, but its hard to keep up with. Ill get better, I promise.
It has been said that there are three personal things that you are never supposed to ask a person about: Age, religion, and political views.
Well, I'm in 11th grade, I'm catholic, and I'm a republican.
Sorry if I offended anyone with that last sentence, I know that people normally aren't that frank in today's society, but the things that I just said define me as an individual and saying them out loud doesn't change who I am to the people around me. Ive always been who I am, and I'm proud that I can state my beliefs. They are personal, its true, but I'm not afraid to talk about them because discussion is what makes the world go around. If ideas continue to be suppressed, soon no one will speak and be afraid of what they are.
These items come with heavy judgement. Every age group, religion, and political party has stereotypes that are carried with them. Stereotypes shouldn't be ignored, but believing in them should not be practiced. Judgement is a natural action, but it doesn't mean that its right.
I'm not asking for everyone to write their beliefs on their foreheads and shout it from the rooftops. If you wish to do that, then go right ahead, Godspeed. I'm simply saying not to be ashamed in what you practice and who you are. Everybody is different, and nobody is considered right or wrong. So respect that in a individual they know what they stand for, and make it comfortable for them to be able to share their ideas if they wish to do so.
Wow, that was heavy. On a lighter note, its fashionably acceptable to wear white again! Hooray! If you're like me, you'll be wearing white on Monday, its been too long...
I have to get better at these themes. I really don't know why, but its hard to keep up with. Ill get better, I promise.
It has been said that there are three personal things that you are never supposed to ask a person about: Age, religion, and political views.
Well, I'm in 11th grade, I'm catholic, and I'm a republican.
Sorry if I offended anyone with that last sentence, I know that people normally aren't that frank in today's society, but the things that I just said define me as an individual and saying them out loud doesn't change who I am to the people around me. Ive always been who I am, and I'm proud that I can state my beliefs. They are personal, its true, but I'm not afraid to talk about them because discussion is what makes the world go around. If ideas continue to be suppressed, soon no one will speak and be afraid of what they are.
These items come with heavy judgement. Every age group, religion, and political party has stereotypes that are carried with them. Stereotypes shouldn't be ignored, but believing in them should not be practiced. Judgement is a natural action, but it doesn't mean that its right.
I'm not asking for everyone to write their beliefs on their foreheads and shout it from the rooftops. If you wish to do that, then go right ahead, Godspeed. I'm simply saying not to be ashamed in what you practice and who you are. Everybody is different, and nobody is considered right or wrong. So respect that in a individual they know what they stand for, and make it comfortable for them to be able to share their ideas if they wish to do so.
Wow, that was heavy. On a lighter note, its fashionably acceptable to wear white again! Hooray! If you're like me, you'll be wearing white on Monday, its been too long...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 50: Optimism
Winter sweater, blue maxi skirt, sandals, layered necklaces.
Why am I wearing a skirt and sandals on the first rainy/cold day of the year? I cant tell you, but it wasnt because I had knowledge of todays weather.
Happy garbage day!
Every Wednesday is garbage day in the 94596. Streets filled with cans of trash lining the streets. On this lovely morning, I got stuck behind a garbage truck. Man, do those things move slow. You see, I was on my way to school and traffic was coming the other way pretty constantly, so I didn't have the option of just moving around this massive truck to continue my daily route to Monte Vista. So as cars piled up behind me, I patiently waited for the garbage man to scoot along the street and move out of my way. I yelled a little bit, I'm not very patient. He moved, finally, and I went on with my day... Although after that incident everything seemed about four minutes off schedule...
I respect the garbage man, regardless of the fact that he is slow. This poor guy has to go around to every solitary house, by himself, and pick up the waste left behind by families, bring it into his possession, and take it as his responsibility to transfer the stinky-garbage-juice to the dump.
Not really a career you strive for. I'm sure it pays well, though.
When I was a little girl I dreamed of being a vet, a fashion designer, and an astronaut. The one dream that will never go away is being an actress. Its my career choice, actually. I'm choosing for it to be practical. I love to act more than I love the air that I breathe, and I'm not intending on breathing in that stinky-garbage-juice for the rest of my life, I choose to act. It'll happen, and I cant wait to do what I love for the rest of my life.
Why am I wearing a skirt and sandals on the first rainy/cold day of the year? I cant tell you, but it wasnt because I had knowledge of todays weather.
Happy garbage day!
Every Wednesday is garbage day in the 94596. Streets filled with cans of trash lining the streets. On this lovely morning, I got stuck behind a garbage truck. Man, do those things move slow. You see, I was on my way to school and traffic was coming the other way pretty constantly, so I didn't have the option of just moving around this massive truck to continue my daily route to Monte Vista. So as cars piled up behind me, I patiently waited for the garbage man to scoot along the street and move out of my way. I yelled a little bit, I'm not very patient. He moved, finally, and I went on with my day... Although after that incident everything seemed about four minutes off schedule...
I respect the garbage man, regardless of the fact that he is slow. This poor guy has to go around to every solitary house, by himself, and pick up the waste left behind by families, bring it into his possession, and take it as his responsibility to transfer the stinky-garbage-juice to the dump.
Not really a career you strive for. I'm sure it pays well, though.
When I was a little girl I dreamed of being a vet, a fashion designer, and an astronaut. The one dream that will never go away is being an actress. Its my career choice, actually. I'm choosing for it to be practical. I love to act more than I love the air that I breathe, and I'm not intending on breathing in that stinky-garbage-juice for the rest of my life, I choose to act. It'll happen, and I cant wait to do what I love for the rest of my life.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 49: Smarts n' Stuff
White blouse, Michael Stars rainbow scarf, carpi's, Vans.
Day 2 of my stressful four-day week. Today's agenda consisted of an Anatomy test of which I failed miserably. Everyone I know failed it though, so I'm not wasting my time feeling sorry for myself.
I think the grading scale is a funny thing. You get a letter that is a general overview of how well you do. These small little letters can literally ruin a persons life. If you don't have good grades, no social life for you. If you don't have super good grades, no college education for you. Though, there are some exceptions. If you are naturally good at a sport, society gives you a pass into college. Congratulations, you can toss a ball, now tell me: Whats the Pythagorean theorem?
That's what I thought.
I'm just bitter because I probably wont ever be scholarship worthy of swim team. My grades aren't scholarship level either, so I'm relying on Gary to get me through four years of expensive, competitive, voluntary education.
I would like to take a moment to compliment two of my beautiful friends in my picture with me today. That was a lovely moment.
Day 2 of my stressful four-day week. Today's agenda consisted of an Anatomy test of which I failed miserably. Everyone I know failed it though, so I'm not wasting my time feeling sorry for myself.
I think the grading scale is a funny thing. You get a letter that is a general overview of how well you do. These small little letters can literally ruin a persons life. If you don't have good grades, no social life for you. If you don't have super good grades, no college education for you. Though, there are some exceptions. If you are naturally good at a sport, society gives you a pass into college. Congratulations, you can toss a ball, now tell me: Whats the Pythagorean theorem?
That's what I thought.
I'm just bitter because I probably wont ever be scholarship worthy of swim team. My grades aren't scholarship level either, so I'm relying on Gary to get me through four years of expensive, competitive, voluntary education.
I would like to take a moment to compliment two of my beautiful friends in my picture with me today. That was a lovely moment.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Day 48: Don't Hate Me
Here's the deal: Today's outfit wasn't even relatively acceptable, so I refuse to post a picture of myself wearing it. SO, here's me on Halloween. I was a snowflake, if that wasn't clear.
I looked in my closet this lovely Tuesday morning, and I gazed upon the clothes I own. I stood there for a good two minutes (which is a long time in morning-years), then I began to accept that I didn't have anything to wear today. So I put on a shirt and some jeans and walked out the door.
It hit me around third period why I couldn't figure out an outfit... I'm weather confused. You see, winter is settling in, but my body is still telling me its fall. Actually, its still telling me its summer. Here in California, you pretty much have "summer" and "winter", not a lot in between.
Now I have to transition into winter clothes, which only means one thing: SHOPPING!
Shopping makes me happy. Pretty materialistic, I know. BUT, I am about to endure an extremely stressful week and shopping will make the pain of the real world go away for a couple of hours. Plus Ill have new clothes.
Because this week is about to kick my butt, I would love cute spontaneous words and actions that will make me smile, so if you provide those, HI: You're my new best friend.
I looked in my closet this lovely Tuesday morning, and I gazed upon the clothes I own. I stood there for a good two minutes (which is a long time in morning-years), then I began to accept that I didn't have anything to wear today. So I put on a shirt and some jeans and walked out the door.
It hit me around third period why I couldn't figure out an outfit... I'm weather confused. You see, winter is settling in, but my body is still telling me its fall. Actually, its still telling me its summer. Here in California, you pretty much have "summer" and "winter", not a lot in between.
Now I have to transition into winter clothes, which only means one thing: SHOPPING!
Shopping makes me happy. Pretty materialistic, I know. BUT, I am about to endure an extremely stressful week and shopping will make the pain of the real world go away for a couple of hours. Plus Ill have new clothes.
Because this week is about to kick my butt, I would love cute spontaneous words and actions that will make me smile, so if you provide those, HI: You're my new best friend.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Day 47: Loud.
Red "Lego" costume.
One day, Im going to get myself in trouble with the things that come out of my mouth. I just say things that arent nessacary to say.
Im politically incorrect, a habit that Im not proud of. I cant stop the words from streaming out of my mouth.
I blame Gary.
As much as it is bad, there is a positive side to it.
Im not afraid to stand up for what I think is right. Even if it gets me into trouble, my loud mouth just blurts out what it needs to. Im a passionate person and if someone tries to surpress that, Im going to take a stand against it. I dont like to hear what I dont want to hear, and when I speak up, I speak in defense.
Some mistake my defensive personality for weakness. I really just like to defend my opinion. Its not that I think your opninon is wrong, Im just positive that mine is right. Does that make sense?
I need to be more careful with my words...
One day, Im going to get myself in trouble with the things that come out of my mouth. I just say things that arent nessacary to say.
Im politically incorrect, a habit that Im not proud of. I cant stop the words from streaming out of my mouth.
I blame Gary.
As much as it is bad, there is a positive side to it.
Im not afraid to stand up for what I think is right. Even if it gets me into trouble, my loud mouth just blurts out what it needs to. Im a passionate person and if someone tries to surpress that, Im going to take a stand against it. I dont like to hear what I dont want to hear, and when I speak up, I speak in defense.
Some mistake my defensive personality for weakness. I really just like to defend my opinion. Its not that I think your opninon is wrong, Im just positive that mine is right. Does that make sense?
I need to be more careful with my words...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Day 46: What Reminds Me of Childhood
Red sweater, cheetah print skirt, oxfords, black thin belt, chained necklace.
Today, I wore a trend that I never realized could be so great. See that skirt? Recognize it? I wore it last week. The only difference is... last week, it was a DRESS! I just slipped the sweater right over it and its a whole new article of clothing! It has opened many doors for the coming outfits.
I did something super embarrassing today. Its one of those things that you're embarrassed to even think about yourself doing. So of course I'm going to put this embarrassing moment on this blog for the whole world to see if they so please.
Today, I logged onto Club Penguin.
Yes, I logged on. I very much played on it, too. For an hour, maybe more... I kind of lost track of time.
I enjoyed my time. I did the penguin missions and did some ski races. I had fun. I'm willing to admit that I had a good time on that childish website, and I intend to log in again at some point in the future.
We all do little embarrassing things that make us think of when we were a kid. Besides my penguin adventures, I cuddle with my childhood toy called "floppy-fellow", and I play with Blues Clues CD-ROMS.
Okay, maybe my little quirks are a bit unusual, but they bring me back to a simpler time. A time that makes me think of light and joy and being united with everyone around me.
Growing up made all of that go away. There is no more innocence in the world I experience. People grow apart in my world, no matter how much I want them to stick together. Light grew darker as I aged. I'm only 16 by the way. So living in the world of childish toys makes me feel like a person that isn't just partially happy with a chance of reality... It makes me feel young and completely oblivious and carefree to the things around me.
Today, I wore a trend that I never realized could be so great. See that skirt? Recognize it? I wore it last week. The only difference is... last week, it was a DRESS! I just slipped the sweater right over it and its a whole new article of clothing! It has opened many doors for the coming outfits.
I did something super embarrassing today. Its one of those things that you're embarrassed to even think about yourself doing. So of course I'm going to put this embarrassing moment on this blog for the whole world to see if they so please.
Today, I logged onto Club Penguin.
Yes, I logged on. I very much played on it, too. For an hour, maybe more... I kind of lost track of time.
I enjoyed my time. I did the penguin missions and did some ski races. I had fun. I'm willing to admit that I had a good time on that childish website, and I intend to log in again at some point in the future.
We all do little embarrassing things that make us think of when we were a kid. Besides my penguin adventures, I cuddle with my childhood toy called "floppy-fellow", and I play with Blues Clues CD-ROMS.
Okay, maybe my little quirks are a bit unusual, but they bring me back to a simpler time. A time that makes me think of light and joy and being united with everyone around me.
Growing up made all of that go away. There is no more innocence in the world I experience. People grow apart in my world, no matter how much I want them to stick together. Light grew darker as I aged. I'm only 16 by the way. So living in the world of childish toys makes me feel like a person that isn't just partially happy with a chance of reality... It makes me feel young and completely oblivious and carefree to the things around me.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Day 45: Men Becoming Wolves
"Always wear cute shoes; the squirrels and bugs deserve to look at something nice, too."
Squared Urban Outfitters shirt, patterned shirt, belt, nude sandals.
We are officially a fourth of the way through the school year! A quarter! 25%! 1/4! This year has gone by so incredibly fast so far! Ive soaked up every minute of it.
Halloween is coming up. You know what that means: Children everywhere dressing up like scary monsters and sexy dolls going to strangers houses who give out free candy. It should be so illegal. Even though it is SO marvelous.
Dressing up is difficult for me. There are always so many options. Thankfully I have friends that like to stick together and do group projects, so I let them decide what its going to be. Otherwise, I just set the bar too high then end up having a unrealistic idea that doesn't work out, and I'm let down. Its the price you pay for having an imagination. Halloween isn't even what I'm thinking about though, even though I'm supposed to dress up at school on Friday...
With a new quarter comes new goals. This is going to sound so typical annoying girl-talk, but my number one goal is to get my parents to let me go to the midnight premiere of THE TWLIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART ONE.
I'm the biggest Twilight saga fan possibly ever. If I met Stephenie Meyer, I would probably faint. I'm a huge fan. Huge. I cant emphasize that enough.
I wasn't allowed to see the midnight premiere of the first two movies, but I got lucky to see the third one because it was in the summer, but even convincing Susan and Gary to let me go was difficult nonetheless.
So going to a Thursday night showing at midnight will be a battlefield of convincing.
Ill be persistent though. And they know how big of a fan I am. Whatever it takes. Who's with me?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Day 44: Image vs. Issue

Beige patterned shirt, black shorts, TOMS, headband.
There is one conversation that comes up AT LEAST once a day for each girl group at Monte Vista. Where there are girls, this topic WILL be discussed.
Weight is something that girls worry about over a lot of things, simply because its what everyone around us is concerned with. They either talk about losing weight, gaining weight, diets to lose an excessive amount of weight, complaining about how they've gained too much weight, etc. All they are doing is subconsciously fishing for compliments. It isn't their fault.
BUT, the funny thing is, most of the girls that talk about this popular issue are the ones who have the bodies that girls with actual fat on themselves wish that they could have. Girls that literally have no body weight on them are grabbing their stomachs comparing how much flab they have to each other.
Newsflash: That isn't flab, that's skin. Its what keeps your organs from falling out of your insides.
I love my body. Ill be the first to admit that sure, I could lose a couple pounds, and sure, I cant wear tube tops, and sure, I failed the Body Mass Index test while my best friends were in the "at risk of being UNDERweight" category... But that's okay. I don't really care. I'm being serious, too. Take it or leave it.
BUT, I do get hurt feelings when this topic of weight comes up, because for me and many other girls, its an issue of HEALTH, not just IMAGE. I know that I cant be the only one who is really uncomfortable when this is brought up. I sit and listen to the conversation, but I don't participate, because I'm not about to complain about my body in front of a crowd.
I used to get hurt feelings and silently compare myself to the slim girls, but it just made me feel worse. So I stopped.
Body image is A LOT in high school, and it stems from a deep place of self-consciencness. If you're guilty of this topic, look in the mirror and just see how beautiful you are. You don't need the consent of others to feel good about yourself. So stop talking about it, you'll feel so much better that the issue of your weight is something that is within yourself, not everyone around you. Feel better about your body by just accepting the way you look, because that's the way you were supposed to be made.
As Susan always says, "We all come in different shapes and sizes. Free to be you and me."
Monday, October 24, 2011
Day 43: Technology
Blue and white patterned dress, nude sandals.
I'm pretty convinced that all technology has come together and made it their mission to hate me.
My father is somewhat of a hipster. He tries to do things that aren't the normal things to do. In Danville, CA, having a Mac or a MacBook is typical. So just to be different, Gary buys PC's. When I say "buys", that infers frequent purchases. You want to know why so many investments? Because Windows 7 is a disaster, along with the PC's that they run.
My laptop PC stopped working the other day. It just stopped. Umm, why? I cant figure it out. Guess I don't have a computer anymore. In fact, "we have five computers in our house, and only two are reliable", according to Gary.
Susan has a Mac desktop. My father bought it for her because she is even more technology challenged than me, and deep down... Gary knows that the Mac was the better purchase in the end. We aren't allowed to use the Mac though, only my mother. So now the other four members of the Galindo household are down to one computer. The very one I'm typing on. The other three are lining up waiting their turn.
Computers aren't the only thing that I have trouble with. Ive had two iPhones stolen from me. I know they didn't just stand up and walk away, but after losing two of them, it begins to seem like a valid possibility.
I'm on my third iPhone and after updating it with the iOS 5 Apple update, I lost half my contacts, photos, and messages. I'm not going to sit around and cry about it, but I'm obviously frustrated!
Apple didn't do the best job with the iCloud though. That one isn't my fault.
Before the iCloud, I had 66 contacts in my phone. Most of the people in that list I didn't even want to be in there. After the iCloud: I had... wait for it... one thousand four hundred and sixteen contacts (1,416). Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't even want the people on my old contact list and now I have more people then Ive ever met in my life?! Unacceptable.
I really have to stay away from all screens, maybe read a book or something.
I'm pretty convinced that all technology has come together and made it their mission to hate me.
My father is somewhat of a hipster. He tries to do things that aren't the normal things to do. In Danville, CA, having a Mac or a MacBook is typical. So just to be different, Gary buys PC's. When I say "buys", that infers frequent purchases. You want to know why so many investments? Because Windows 7 is a disaster, along with the PC's that they run.
My laptop PC stopped working the other day. It just stopped. Umm, why? I cant figure it out. Guess I don't have a computer anymore. In fact, "we have five computers in our house, and only two are reliable", according to Gary.
Susan has a Mac desktop. My father bought it for her because she is even more technology challenged than me, and deep down... Gary knows that the Mac was the better purchase in the end. We aren't allowed to use the Mac though, only my mother. So now the other four members of the Galindo household are down to one computer. The very one I'm typing on. The other three are lining up waiting their turn.
Computers aren't the only thing that I have trouble with. Ive had two iPhones stolen from me. I know they didn't just stand up and walk away, but after losing two of them, it begins to seem like a valid possibility.
I'm on my third iPhone and after updating it with the iOS 5 Apple update, I lost half my contacts, photos, and messages. I'm not going to sit around and cry about it, but I'm obviously frustrated!
Apple didn't do the best job with the iCloud though. That one isn't my fault.
Before the iCloud, I had 66 contacts in my phone. Most of the people in that list I didn't even want to be in there. After the iCloud: I had... wait for it... one thousand four hundred and sixteen contacts (1,416). Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't even want the people on my old contact list and now I have more people then Ive ever met in my life?! Unacceptable.
I really have to stay away from all screens, maybe read a book or something.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Day 42: Weekend Brain-Block
Grey True Religion corduroys, denim tank top, glittery sweater, TOMS.
I really have to start doing my Friday posts on Friday... not Sunday.
I love the weekend. The world is physically a lighter place. I love the weekend so much I should write a song about it. I truly love it.
I "love" a lot of things though. Like writing. I hate writers block though, like right now for example...
I really have to start doing my Friday posts on Friday... not Sunday.
I love the weekend. The world is physically a lighter place. I love the weekend so much I should write a song about it. I truly love it.
I "love" a lot of things though. Like writing. I hate writers block though, like right now for example...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Day 41: A Lack of Inspriation
Cheetah print dress, black Vans, blue clips, flower chain necklace, sea foam green sweater.
Lets just take a second to acknowledge the fact that I'm wearing lime green socks. Okay, moving on.\
Today was not a very inspiring day therefore I wont bore you with useless writing.
On a final note, tomorrows football game should be thurnumbusly enthusiastic! Go Mustangs!
Oh, and I love Taylor Donatell.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Day 40: Walking Art
Black frilly blouse, jean shorts, gold necklace, ribbon hairband, TOMS.
When you watch a television show, you subconsciously begin to place yourself into said show as a certain character. For example, I always thought of myself as the Hyde of That 70's Show, the Phoebe of Friends, the Phyllis of The Office, and the Patrick of Spongebob Squarepants.
In my wildest dreams, I hope to create a television show based off of Monte Vista High School, giving a couple characters the general personalities of the different people at Monte Vista. It would be based off of events that actually go on around the school.
Or at least the way I see them...
I don't bend the truth, or lie for that matter. But I apparently have what is considered an "intense personality type", and I take normal situations and they transfer into big deal through my vantage point. So what may seem like a small deal to you may seem like the end of the world to me. I thought it was just called "being dramatic"... I guess I was wrong. Thank goodness.
My intensity allows me to be creative, so that's a plus. It's what allows me to write this blog, paint, and come up with outfits that seem to work out for me everyday.
I actually consider outfits walking art. Bet you didn't know that fun fact about me!
Art is supposed to make you think and give you an emotion... So maybe its just me, but fashion does that. Art doesn't necessarily need to be beautiful, it can be disturbing. Ive definitely been disturbed by some outfits (cough*goths*cough) in the past couple days... This art is too harsh on my eyes... Tone it down with the black ladies and gentlemen, I guarantee you that you're beautiful underneath that dark eyeliner.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Day 38: The Time of Our Lives
Blue baby doll dress, black flower hair clip, purple TOMS."School without fashion is a short stack without syrup"
There is a new addition to my blog that I hope you will enjoy. Its called Quotes-By-Julia. My dear friend Julia Carter says these phrases that can simply define your day. So, I will begin posting quotes (look up) every couple days in the beginning of posts, at least the ones that stick out to me.
Its 2011, the first year of a new decade, which means in a jillion years from now (when I'm all old and a mom), Ill be looking back to 2011 thinking about how these were the glory days. Glory days? Something like that.
Knowing that Ill be looking back one day motivates me to make memories TODAY. It makes me want to go out and have a good time with my life, which I intend to do. Right after my math test... and the SAT... and babysitting... and my other math test... but after I do all that, THEN I intend to make memories! Join me?
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