Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 98: Food, Glorious Food

     Floral shirt, beige shorts, slippers.
     Everybody needs food to live.  It just a fact.  You can go without food for a while if that's what you choose, but eventually your body will shut down and you will die.
     Sure, some food is more healthy then other foods, but food is food.
     I LOVE food.
     I know that I shouldn't eat two cheeseburgers a week, or drink soda every day, or eat all of the chocolate chip cookies that mock me on the kitchen counter and then blame it on Gary when somebody notices they're gone... But I do.
     My favorite restaurant:  McDonald's.  My favorite sweet:  Cheesecake.  My favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do:  Eat.  Eating all of this stuff is bad for me, but its my choice.  The government wants to put age restrictions on sugar.  Like cigarettes or alcohol, cause, ya know, eating food is apparently too addicting for children to handle.  Not.  I'm a teenager and Ive got to eat.  If I go to the store and am unable to buy a Snickers bar, congressmen better sleep with one eye open.
     Ive learned to eat things in moderation, because eating food that you like is healthy for the soul.  Don't count your calories or beat yourself up about that bowl of ice cream, because you deserve that pleasure.  Eat that ice cream with pride!
     I once went on a diet.  It lasted 20 minutes.  Those were the most miserable minutes of my life.
     Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you shouldn't eat as freely as I do now, but it seems to be working for me.  So my arteries are clogged, bring on the steak!

1 comment:

  1. Maddy I have spent the last 30 minutes reading several of your WONDERFUL posts! I LOVE them all, but this one just puts a HUGE smile on my face. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! You are GORGEOUS inside and out! Keep eating and enjoying life (of course in moderation)!! Can we please talk soon?? Esp. about your AMAZING news...famous??!!??
